Has anyone heard anything about the Hoover, Al employees move back to the Lakeshore office?
Has anyone heard anything about the Hoover, Al employees move back to the Lakeshore office?
Here is a weird one for ya... Are we moving the lab to San Antonio Texas? I had an office manager call me this morning and ask why her new requisitions have a phone number with an area code to San Antonio Texas. She used to live there and noticed the area code this morning when attempting to make a call to customer service. Are we relocating to Jim's backyard in Texas?
Revenue didn't start falling until Q1 2015. The billing fiasco accelerated the decline,which led to the massive layoffs in September and October. Also, A lot of good people quit and were not laid off. Not just individuals but entire departments! I know people are trying to make sense of it all and the senior leadership wants to blame everyone else instead of owning up to bad decisions in 2015. cost cutting has been the plan, but that won't gain you business......Yes, a former employee told me they were moving everyone back to lakeshore.
The new building was one of the dumbest moves ever. When they moved into the hoover building, both buildings were instantly half full - BEFORE all the layoffs started. After the layoffs started, lakeshore was a ghost town instantly. We never needed another building and obviously doubling expenses for physical offices right at the time you are laying off folks because of falling revenue is not a smart move. Management tries to act smart on here and blame bad decisions on sales people being lazy, but you decide. Revenue falling? Let's rent another building! Genius.
Miracle DVD ??? Are you serious??? LolMay be a good time to watch the Miracle dvd from last year Vegas nsm. Or maybe I'll send back because our caring, fearless, and visionary leaders need one more than I do.
yeah, good idea!
Maybe I'll email Jim Craig tomorrow and let him know how well his inspirational talk has gone for 2015, maybe we can get our money's everybody else's fault but Jim's right? Let's see: revenue is down over 30%, half the salesforce is gone, 70% of the people at corporate are gone, moral is at an all-time low, nobody trusts middle or upper management and we're holding out for a handful of tests that won't be reimbursed by insurance and most likely will never even be commercially available.
Remember, we're relying on the same folks that miss printed ICD 10 stickers, multiple errors on marketing material, changed the corporate phone number on reqs to someplace in Texas and told us that the June 15 billing change was a good thing for business because all people get lab bills. Kinda looks really ignorant on corporate end when you add everything up that's happened in 2015...
Don't know who you are. But you nailed it.
maybe the know it all old hacks can issue the DVD to their investors as a consolation prize. "Lucy. You got some splaining to do"Yeah, he needs the DVDs and talks from that other old hack. Knew we were in trouble when he started crying like a little bi.. About how well everyone did to set up the meeting. Lmao
I'm still standing while watching all the losers that thought they were big shit hit the road.