The mistakes that defined this administration


This article touches on the Weprin loss, the green jobs scandal, and more but gives a great summary of why this administration is so off track. I will add to the author's view that I think this administration had no idea why they had won the election and totally misread what message they were being given.

It still comes down to three big mistakes: the president's spending decisions, his health-care bill, and the White House's strange inability to understand the breadth and depth of the economic crisis. Spending was both high and same-old-same-old: The 2009 stimulus and the budget proposals were Democratic wish lists. This at the exact moment voters were coming to fear that we are losing America, the strong country of old, and the first thing we must do to right things is stop the hemorrhagic spending in Washington. The health-care bill was huge, expensive, vaguely menacing and lacking in any serious reform. Most amazingly, the White House failed to understand what the financial crisis was. They did not understand it was systemic, world-wide, would last years, and would change everything. They seemed to think it would pass. But the crisis rendered old campaign promises null, and demanded new approaches.

History will write of this era when history has the time and the distance. The president would have been helped by wise old aides with wise old heads, people who somewhere along the line had had to meet a payroll. Instead he was surrounded by bright, committed, energetic naïfs who didn't know what they didn't know. They knew Democratic Party politics. They did not know national politics. To know that you have to know the nation's mood.