The Medicines company is pusing hard for us!!


They're offering 140k-150k base for reps and 175K for managers. 60k at plan bonus plus 2500 stock options!!!! WOW!!!

This couldn't have come at a worse time for Cubist. Upper management has to be concerned about the potential mass exodus of reps to the medicines co.

I hope that upper management takes this opportunity to refelct on our current bonus structure. Frankly, its a joke!!! People that used to make 60-80 K on bonus (selling 1 drug) are now pulling in 20-30 (selling 4/5 drugs).

I can deal with the shrinking bonus, but the problem I have is that no one wants to talk about the pink elephahant in the room. BONUS MONEY HAS BECOME IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE!!!!

Don't believe me... Check out your IC paystubs over the last 5 years.

The medicines co will definitely use this to their advantage. They're gonna turn their competition; us, into their own battle hardened and motivated sales force!!!

Cubist should and could have prevented this a year ago by doing what was right by the sales force.

You have to ask yourself why are thet being so aggressive? MDCO hasn't increased shareholder value in 14 years, faces a patent cliff for Angiomax and has nothing in the pipeline to even come close to replacing Angiomax revenues. If they had a record of success and a proven business model they would be "buying talent". Ask yourself, when this doesnt work out and your priced out of the industry then what.

I am not suggesting that Cubist is perfect but you can't argue with their leadership in ID and yes the IC plan needs to catch up with the complexity of the job.

They're offering 140k-150k base for reps and 175K for managers. 60k at plan bonus plus 2500 stock options!!!! WOW!!!

This couldn't have come at a worse time for Cubist. Upper management has to be concerned about the potential mass exodus of reps to the medicines co.

I hope that upper management takes this opportunity to refelct on our current bonus structure. Frankly, its a joke!!! People that used to make 60-80 K on bonus (selling 1 drug) are now pulling in 20-30 (selling 4/5 drugs).

I can deal with the shrinking bonus, but the problem I have is that no one wants to talk about the pink elephahant in the room. BONUS MONEY HAS BECOME IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE!!!!

Don't believe me... Check out your IC paystubs over the last 5 years.

The medicines co will definitely use this to their advantage. They're gonna turn their competition; us, into their own battle hardened and motivated sales force!!!

Cubist should and could have prevented this a year ago by doing what was right by the sales force.

Is that you Brad?

You have to ask yourself why are thet being so aggressive? MDCO hasn't increased shareholder value in 14 years, faces a patent cliff for Angiomax and has nothing in the pipeline to even come close to replacing Angiomax revenues. If they had a record of success and a proven business model they would be "buying talent". Ask yourself, when this doesnt work out and your priced out of the industry then what.

I am not suggesting that Cubist is perfect but you can't argue with their leadership in ID and yes the IC plan needs to catch up with the complexity of the job.

You forgot the most important thing the new culture at Cubist SUCKS!

and of course the culture else where would be much better? Ask the folks who went to Durata and then quite already to go to Medicine company about culture. By the way, have you read the job description from the medicine company???? Its very easy to fall into the grass is always greener somewhere else syndrome. Cafe Pharma is filled with those types.

Cubist is going through growing pains and they will get ironed out but our values are sound, nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "how can I mess with a CBM's today". Intentions are good and as a leader in its space has an amazing future, despite current challnges. Success isn't a straight line up.

As someone who has been at Cubist for a while I know that they will course correct when needed as that has been the history.

and of course the culture else where would be much better? Ask the folks who went to Durata and then quite already to go to Medicine company about culture. By the way, have you read the job description from the medicine company???? Its very easy to fall into the grass is always greener somewhere else syndrome. Cafe Pharma is filled with those types.

Cubist is going through growing pains and they will get ironed out but our values are sound, nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "how can I mess with a CBM's today". Intentions are good and as a leader in its space has an amazing future, despite current challnges. Success isn't a straight line up.

As someone who has been at Cubist for a while I know that they will course correct when needed as that has been the history.

Those that quit already at Durata are typical of all new companies. Cubist was no different when they were new. A certain % of the people realize they are not cut-out for a start up and leave for more secure surroundings. Those of you that did not launch dapto, which is probably all of you, need to ask yourselves if you are cut-out for going to a start up. The answer for most will be no.

Have you ever noticed that in all these years not one person from the Medicines company has ever started a posting site on Cafe Pharma? What does that tell you about culture? It tells me that their representatives are mature classy representatives that don't feel the need to post on this terrible site. A site that Pharma reps go to complain about their company and say horrible things about their peers, managers etc… Medicines Company culture, I think I will give it a try. In addition they pay extremely well and always have, so the salaries listed are not out of desperation to "steal" people away, it's because they have always valued their sales department.

and of course the culture else where would be much better? Ask the folks who went to Durata and then quite already to go to Medicine company about culture. By the way, have you read the job description from the medicine company???? Its very easy to fall into the grass is always greener somewhere else syndrome. Cafe Pharma is filled with those types.

Cubist is going through growing pains and they will get ironed out but our values are sound, nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "how can I mess with a CBM's today". Intentions are good and as a leader in its space has an amazing future, despite current challnges. Success isn't a straight line up.

As someone who has been at Cubist for a while I know that they will course correct when needed as that has been the history.

Hey Tony don't you have anything better to do the read all this BS and respond?

Have you ever noticed that in all these years not one person from the Medicines company has ever started a posting site on Cafe Pharma? What does that tell you about culture? It tells me that their representatives are mature classy representatives that don't feel the need to post on this terrible site. A site that Pharma reps go to complain about their company and say horrible things about their peers, managers etc… Medicines Company culture, I think I will give it a try. In addition they pay extremely well and always have, so the salaries listed are not out of desperation to "steal" people away, it's because they have always valued their sales department.

That's awesome! But before you go to that great company that does not have a CF message board you might try going to the medical devises page and scroll down to the M's. Idiot!

Have you ever noticed that in all these years not one person from the Medicines company has ever started a posting site on Cafe Pharma? What does that tell you about culture? It tells me that their representatives are mature classy representatives that don't feel the need to post on this terrible site. A site that Pharma reps go to complain about their company and say horrible things about their peers, managers etc… Medicines Company culture, I think I will give it a try. In addition they pay extremely well and always have, so the salaries listed are not out of desperation to "steal" people away, it's because they have always valued their sales department.

Having a company culture where there are no attempts at motivation by fear and threats? That can never work! Why, that would mean everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal of success. It would mean managers would work with, trust, and support the reps. No...we must use PIP's, negative ride along reports, impossible to achieve incentive compensation plans and horrendous year end evaluations to motivate employess. That's what we have always done and will continue to do.

Every middle manager and upper manager in Pharma

Have you ever noticed that in all these years not one person from the Medicines company has ever started a posting site on Cafe Pharma? What does that tell you about culture? It tells me that their representatives are mature classy representatives that don't feel the need to post on this terrible site. A site that Pharma reps go to complain about their company and say horrible things about their peers, managers etc… Medicines Company culture, I think I will give it a try. In addition they pay extremely well and always have, so the salaries listed are not out of desperation to "steal" people away, it's because they have always valued their sales department.

Except they are on the medical device boards genious

Everyone's missing the big picture on this string!! Fuck corp culture!! It's dried up here. The big picture is money and they're offering a shit load of it!! We're not making money at cubist anymore. What is there left to hang on to??? Are we going to watch this company launch great meds and sell those meds uncompensated for our efforts. That's the big picture. The med co is definitely not a start up co. Far from it!!! It's worth the risk!!

You have to ask yourself why are thet being so aggressive? MDCO hasn't increased shareholder value in 14 years, faces a patent cliff for Angiomax and has nothing in the pipeline to even come close to replacing Angiomax revenues. If they had a record of success and a proven business model they would be "buying talent". Ask yourself, when this doesnt work out and your priced out of the industry then what.

I am not suggesting that Cubist is perfect but you can't argue with their leadership in ID and yes the IC plan needs to catch up with the complexity of the job.

They're offering reps 150 k in salary!!! What's the risk genius??? That's the average salary plus bonus at cubist. It's all upside!!!! Who gives a fuck if were the thought leaders in ID if were not making money anymore!?!?

Lets see, for short term money and maybe a bonus (assuming you can sell that crappy drug) jump ship to a company that hasnt grown shareholder value ever!!! Barely staying relevant and when you look again in a year and you are priced out of the market and folks wonder why all the job hopping lets talk then. If you want to spend your career chasing the next not so best thing and find that rewarding - go for it. Why do you think they are trying to buy folks. If they had anything valuable they wouldn't be an outliar with comp. Look beyond the sizzle, business model? culture? leaderhip record of success? transparency? Investors have voted and not for MDCO.

Me-I prefer to be on the ship of a well run company, a place where I put roots down, feel good about the values and mission and work with a leader. Having been with Cubist for 7 plus years i have learned that management listens, sure there are challenging years. But course corrections are made.

Of course there revenue expectations will be so low you will make oodles of money. NOT!!!
There wont be a hospital worth its salt that will put a 3000 plus drug on formaulary. Also, are you familar with the safety issues that concerned the FDA the last time this drug was reviewed?

It amazes me how quickly people can rationalize a situation they know nothing about (other thsn the sizzle they were sold) as better than the thing they are doing when a chellenging time hits. and often so many give up just as they were about to achieve much success. So shote sighted.

Lets see, for short term money and maybe a bonus (assuming you can sell that crappy drug) jump ship to a company that hasnt grown shareholder value ever!!! Barely staying relevant and when you look again in a year and you are priced out of the market and folks wonder why all the job hopping lets talk then. If you want to spend your career chasing the next not so best thing and find that rewarding - go for it. Why do you think they are trying to buy folks. If they had anything valuable they wouldn't be an outliar with comp. Look beyond the sizzle, business model? culture? leaderhip record of success? transparency? Investors have voted and not for MDCO.

Me-I prefer to be on the ship of a well run company, a place where I put roots down, feel good about the values and mission and work with a leader. Having been with Cubist for 7 plus years i have learned that management listens, sure there are challenging years. But course corrections are made.

Good for you but there is a lot of people leaving Cubist very soon my friend. Not sure that the boys at the top even care but they should get the message when people start resigning in large numbers. Over 60% of the salesforce is looking to leave for much better working conditions and pay.