The matrix is alive

It means that if you made it through the random layoffs your job is safe from large random cutbacks. Small reorganization layoffs do not have to be reported so it just means that the layoffs in the future are the typical B+L culture of picking people off in small groups.

There may be a "what happened to Bob" when Bob does not show up for work anymore but there will not be questions like "where did the department go?"

In Tampa, we shuffle managers around and give them new titles. They will also create ghost job openings and add those to the layoff headcount. Business as usual here.

F you and every one else

Really? Is this the best you've got? Same thing goes on in Greenville, St. Louis, Aliso - it's all been a shell game. There's been too much fat for too long. With or without the Valeant buyout, B&L had to whack out this excessive executive level BS to remain competitive and stop putting on the smoke & mirrors by doing sleight of hand reorganizational tricks. It's sad when folks lose their jobs, but too many of them above the plant level were just fluff.

What I can tell you is the Valeant intentionally forced out leaders by giving then
less salary vs current, not giving them basic necessities for cost of living and
then forcing them out if severance. That is fraud. You may call it whatever the heck you want
but if someone takes away money from your kids mouth you will be
F'n pissed too. So stop f'n siding with the fat MP moron.

Thats the new rumor in Tampa. Anyone kept after the New Year will be told to say why they deserve to be there and that they will start as new employees, losing all previous B&L perks plus a cut in pay.

What I can tell you is the Valeant intentionally forced out leaders by giving then
less salary vs current, not giving them basic necessities for cost of living and
then forcing them out if severance. That is fraud. You may call it whatever the heck you want
but if someone takes away money from your kids mouth you will be
F'n pissed too. So stop f'n siding with the fat MP moron.

What are you talking about? Basic necessities for cost of living?? Your paycheck didn't cover it?? No one is taking money "from your kids mouth". What a bunch of entitlement mentality garbage. B+L didn't pay you for each and every day you worked? You were supposed to receive more than that? For the rest of your life? Your kids lives?

I can't imagine what some of you people are thinking. I'm no fan of Valeant or MP, but pull your binky out of your mouth and stop this whiny garbage thinking they owe you anything, it's just stupid. Go put your negative energy toward a positive outcome and find another job.