The Little President That Cried Jobs


Active Member
Oh, it's another Obama jobs speech. Is there any reason to expect that it's but another in the series of carnival barker performances about jobs by the Hopie Changie Barker-In-Chief?

How may of the 26%ers will even watch next week?

In less than three years, the little President that cried Jobs has relegated the esteem of the White House to that of a football pre-game carnival sideshow.

Shovel-ready, anyone?

Oh, it's another Obama jobs speech. Is there any reason to expect that it's but another in the series of carnival barker performances about jobs by the Hopie Changie Barker-In-Chief?

How may of the 26%ers will even watch next week?

In less than three years, the little President that cried Jobs has relegated the esteem of the White House to that of a football pre-game carnival sideshow.

Shovel-ready, anyone?

Need we say anymore. He is doing this at the expense to the country.

Oh, it's another Obama jobs speech. Is there any reason to expect that it's but another in the series of carnival barker performances about jobs by the Hopie Changie Barker-In-Chief?

How may of the 26%ers will even watch next week?

In less than three years, the little President that cried Jobs has relegated the esteem of the White House to that of a football pre-game carnival sideshow.

Shovel-ready, anyone?

There are lots and lots of shovel ready jobs in Washington. Shovelling away all of the bullshit from OBlahBlah's attempt to overthrow America.

Here's what he should say:

My fellow Americans,

Last week it all dawned on me. After driving my Uncle Omar to drink and then drive I realized that I have failed. To steal a line from the posters at Cafepharma it has been an EPIC FAIL. As you know zero, that's right zero jobs were created this month. This is what I propose to do to bring this country back.

1. I am immediately pulling the accreditation of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Brown. I further more will sign an executive order banning anyone that graduated from these schools from ever serving in gov't.

2. I quit. And I'm taking Biden w/ me. We have bleeped up this country beyond repair or at least for a very long time. I will go back to my home country of Kenya to never return. Biden has signed a contract w/ Comedy Channel.

3. You may have noticed that Pelosi and Reid are not here. For once I finally deported someone...them.

Good night America.