
If you don't know by now working at Forest is easy. Just stay off the Area Business yellow legal pad. If your numbers are good and your name stays off the pad life is good. If your on the pad you will know it when your manager rides with you and they put you on a letter of concern for some BS you can't control. If your in fear mention the legal pad to your manager and watch them squirm. That's all manager meetings at the area office are. Been there and experienced it. I could say I stepped down for family reasons or some other BS but the truth is I was basically forced out for not being all in.

You have to be kidding me THE LEGAL PAD? Is that the new name for black list? If your management is on you than take YOUR power back. If you are any decent salesperson at all you will have clients who use your product because it is good but most because simply "you are you". A little hint you are just a drug rep.

its very real. whether its actually on a legal pad or not who knows. but there is a 'list' that the ABD has. direct confirmation from a pharmacare mgr who sat in on a meeting.

its very real. whether its actually on a legal pad or not who knows. but there is a 'list' that the ABD has. direct confirmation from a pharmacare mgr who sat in on a meeting.

Of course the ABD has a short, or long, list of people they want out. Our sales force is a festering pool of cheaters and dishonest people. I have one counterpart right now who never won awards in a previous job and I question if even graduated from college, but has a great relationship with a good graphic designer. I am not joking. Most on the list probably deserve to be there. I did. With hard work you can find redemption as well.

Of course the ABD has a short, or long, list of people they want out. Our sales force is a festering pool of cheaters and dishonest people. I have one counterpart right now who never won awards in a previous job and I question if even graduated from college, but has a great relationship with a good graphic designer. I am not joking. Most on the list probably deserve to be there. I did. With hard work you can find redemption as well.

no comment on anything except the last sentence. sorry but no redemption. once you make it onto the list your cooked.

no comment on anything except the last sentence. sorry but no redemption. once you make it onto the list your cooked.

I've seen redemption before, but depends on who's "list" you're on. DM's S list = redemption possible, but sometimes easier to just start looking. I've seen people come back from "the process". RD's S list = good luck. Been done in only one instance I know of. ABD S list = act of God necessary. I am assuming that. I don't know anyone who has been on the short side of our ABD though. Our ABD only knows who wins PC or who is coming across their desk for HR issues.

I've seen redemption before, but depends on who's "list" you're on. DM's S list = redemption possible, but sometimes easier to just start looking. I've seen people come back from "the process". RD's S list = good luck. Been done in only one instance I know of. ABD S list = act of God necessary. I am assuming that. I don't know anyone who has been on the short side of our ABD though. Our ABD only knows who wins PC or who is coming across their desk for HR issues.

correct but the thread is about the 'legal pad' on the ABD's desk. And while i'm sure PC winners and HR issues cross the ABD's desk i'm quite certain there's alot more than just that discussed when the ABD meets with RD's and Mgrs. This is where "the process" gets interesting as anyone is fair game at anytime. We've all seen and heard of PC winners being in the process a year later for reasons that do not add up.

How bad do your numbers need to be to make it on to said legal pad or does more than just numbers go into it? I've been in the bottom 50% 2 straight years...should I be worried?

How bad do your numbers need to be to make it on to said legal pad or does more than just numbers go into it? I've been in the bottom 50% 2 straight years...should I be worried?

numbers play a role but i would trust your gut and pay close attention to your field ride scores and the language in your evaluations. one death word is "impact". if you're hearing that your calls just don't have impact then dust off your resume and get a recruiter.