The latest maps not looking good


Saw the latest maps///////////GET THE RESUMES READY!!!!!!

It looks bad for the field and all the support roles. Makes total sense but will hurt many. Do yourself a favor and start looking now. Lily 9% reductions nothing like what we will see. Its a shame there is no communications from senior leaders.

yep, and our RA franchise is worthless too
what a waste, lots of our reps stumbling over one another making one call a day for a six figure income

Let's just say it took Roche about 6 yrs to figure out GNE's smoke and mirrors and took time to lay out a strategy to save face in the light of dry pipepline and biosimilars. Lilly announced 9% layoff yesterday and Biogen even did layoff on their best quarter ever 2 yrs ago.

Saw the latest maps///////////GET THE RESUMES READY!!!!!!

It looks bad for the field and all the support roles. Makes total sense but will hurt many. Do yourself a favor and start looking now. Lily 9% reductions nothing like what we will see. Its a shame there is no communications from senior leaders.

They were supose to give us information weeks ago. I am hearing we will lose 40-50% of oncology in 5 weeks, but I am also hearing from management that there is more than enough work for everyone and no layoffs are coming? This came from a RM very recently.

What the hell is going on Bill? Who is lieing hear?