The Last Nail in the coffin, Novartis moral!


Not only has Novartis damaged its reputation among professional Doctors, Hospitals, Managed Care, and Patients loosing millions in revenues for endless poor drugs being pulled, hazards in safety, crap data support, and less effective me to drugs - it has also successfully damaged its front end retail sales divisions "Moral", which will soon doom the companies fate forever!

All departments are important and I can only speak for the one in which I work, but I believe the MORAL issues Novartis has created in lies, deceit, and endless practiced examples of Sales Treatment. Our reputation is being ruined by Novartis Pharma and in a result will tear down the empire over years to come.

Its not by my choice as I have struggled many years to stay positive, keep myself above the line, while winning awards but Novartis makes it hard to see a future with them! Its too easy to get negative as there are so many examples we all have shared and continue on daily occurrence. I believe once you loose a good employee, you most likely loose the bank. It will take more years than Novartis has in finances to rebuild a positive atmosphere to work it almost had.
