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The kind of debate liberals love

Let's see here - ILA trots out NewsBusters as his 'source' for this thread, yet when a 'liberal' poster submits Media Matters as a source, they are roundly attacked by ILA and his caddy BB for doing so.

The hypocrisy here on ILA's part is beyond stunning, but it is what we have come to expect from the Rudy/Cain backing poster.

Let's see here - ILA trots out NewsBusters as his 'source' for this thread, yet when a 'liberal' poster submits Media Matters as a source, they are roundly attacked by ILA and his caddy BB for doing so.

The hypocrisy here on ILA's part is beyond stunning, but it is what we have come to expect from the Rudy/Cain backing poster.

Interesting response. Was that "Standard KJL Response #12"? Or maybe 11.

"Let's see now...what do I feel like attacking, the content or the source?" Hmmm. "Oh yeah, today is Sunday and it's an even numbered day, and the "KJL Book Of Canned Responses" says to attack the source.
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Interesting response. Was that "Standard KJL Response #12"? Or maybe 11.

"Let's see now...what do I feel like attacking, the content or the source?" Hmmm. "Oh yeah, today is Sunday and it's an even numbered day, and the "KJL Book Of Canned Responses" says to attack the source.

This . . . From the poster who attacks any 'liberal' source/proof, yet expects others to accept Michelle Malkin and other 'con' sources as gospel.

Thank you for the confirmation that you will now view Media Matters in the same positive light as ILA's NewsBuster source.

You make this way too easy.

This . . . From the poster who attacks any 'liberal' source/proof, yet expects others to accept Michelle Malkin and other 'con' sources as gospel.

Thank you for the confir9mation that you will now view Media Matters in the same positive light as ILA's NewsBuster source.

You make this way too easy.

Thanks for the donation of more fertilizer for my garden.

This . . . From the poster who attacks any 'liberal' source/proof, yet expects others to accept Michelle Malkin and other 'con' sources as gospel.

Thank you for the confirmation that you will now view Media Matters in the same positive light as ILA's NewsBuster source.

You make this way too easy.

Just to make sure I understand what you're saying:

So you are saying that you "always read source material presented to you before you comment on it and that you never present proof sources which you know might be politically biased?" Is that an accurate rephrasing of your statement?

Add one ultraliberal and a fake conservative who always agrees with the liberal position and you get NPR.

This is the kind of thing real conservatives should abhor and why Willard is not to be trusted. If David Brooks likes ya, then there has to be something wrong with you.


You call that an endorsement of Romney? You are really reaching.

While you keep pushing for a more extreme candidate, and miss that Romney is who the WH fears most, here's the poll findings:

Election handicapper Nate Silver, author of the influential FiveThirtyEight blog, just published a statistical breakdown of 2012 scenarios that should worry Democrats.

His most pessimistic projection: Obama has just a 17 per cent chance of winning the popular vote if the Republican nominee is Mitt Romney and U.S. economic growth is zero in 2012.

And yet, Obama’s outlook is not entirely bleak.

First, he benefits from a weak Republican field. Both Texas governor Rick Perry and businessman Herman Cain are deeply flawed candidates who Obama fares well against in head-to-head polling match ups.
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You call that an endorsement of Romney? You are really reaching.

While you keep pushing for a more extreme candidate, and miss that Romney is who the WH fears most, here's the poll findings:

Election handicapper Nate Silver, author of the influential FiveThirtyEight blog, just published a statistical breakdown of 2012 scenarios that should worry Democrats.

His most pessimistic projection: Obama has just a 17 per cent chance of winning the popular vote if the Republican nominee is Mitt Romney and U.S. economic growth is zero in 2012.

And yet, Obama’s outlook is not entirely bleak.

First, he benefits from a weak Republican field. Both Texas governor Rick Perry and businessman Herman Cain are deeply flawed candidates who Obama fares well against in head-to-head polling match ups.

Why in the world would OWSdummy be afraid of a fellow liberal? Can you even tell me what Willard's core conservative values are?

Can you name something he hasn't flip flopped on?

Willard will be the easiest for OWSdummyfucker to beat.

I know I am not going to convince you, you have gone all in with Willard. The question is do you believe in Willard enough that you wouldn't support the other candidates if they were to win the nomination?

See, I don't believe in Willard at all. I will not be a part of it. Maybe he will win the nomination, but that will make this election cycle very easy for me. I won't be voting for the first time in a Presidential election for which I was eligible.

I don't take that decision lightly, but I am tired of RINOs and the only way for the GOP establishment to get the point is for principled conservatives to sit it out and not reward them for supporting blue blood RINOs

Why in the world would OWSdummy be afraid of a fellow liberal? Can you even tell me what Willard's core conservative values are?

Can you name something he hasn't flip flopped on?

Willard will be the easiest for OWSdummyfucker to beat.

I know I am not going to convince you, you have gone all in with Willard. The question is do you believe in Willard enough that you wouldn't support the other candidates if they were to win the nomination?

See, I don't believe in Willard at all. I will not be a part of it. Maybe he will win the nomination, but that will make this election cycle very easy for me. I won't be voting for the first time in a Presidential election for which I was eligible.

I don't take that decision lightly, but I am tired of RINOs and the only way for the GOP establishment to get the point is for principled conservatives to sit it out and not reward them for supporting blue blood RINOs

Not voting for whoever wins the Republican nomination is tantamount to voting for Obama and quite frankly will help seal the doom of our nation as we have known it. The time to take a stand is during the primary process, but once the nominee is chosen, even if it's Romney, then whoever it is should be supported wholeheartedly by conservatives and Republicans. With the election of Romney, we live to fight another day. With the re-election of Obama, we are virtually doomed. I urge you to reconsider your position. This is not the time for staying home or third parties, it's time for continuing to reclaim the Republican party as a truly conservative party regardless of who the nominee in '12 is!

Not voting for whoever wins the Republican nomination is tantamount to voting for Obama and quite frankly will help seal the doom of our nation as we have known it. The time to take a stand is during the primary process, but once the nominee is chosen, even if it's Romney, then whoever it is should be supported wholeheartedly by conservatives and Republicans. With the election of Romney, we live to fight another day. With the re-election of Obama, we are virtually doomed. I urge you to reconsider your position. This is not the time for staying home or third parties, it's time for continuing to reclaim the Republican party as a truly conservative party regardless of who the nominee in '12 is!