The Italian’s Message on Racism


GC’s video condemning racism was nice, but take a look at his 13 direct reports! Not a single black man or black woman. Just three non-whites in total.

If you’re gonna talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

Do Better, BMS!


GC’s video condemning racism was nice, but take a look at his 13 direct reports! Not a single black man or black woman. Just three non-whites in total.

If you’re gonna talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

Do Better, BMS!

Your entire Celgene absorbed personnel are afraid for their jobs daily

And you haven’t even gotten back to work yet.
Good luck. Stay under the radar.
Big cuts coming end of year.
Big time cuts.

GC’s video condemning racism was nice, but take a look at his 13 direct reports! Not a single black man or black woman. Just three non-whites in total.

If you’re gonna talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

Do Better, BMS!

So, Racism is only for AA individuals? ~50% female and ~25% minority, pretty diverse if you ask.. well, anybody.

GC’s video condemning racism was nice, but take a look at his 13 direct reports! Not a single black man or black woman. Just three non-whites in total.

If you’re gonna talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

Do Better, BMS!

Really? Identity politics. Not the most qualified.

Great way to make a company burn.

Man you're so woke. You realize most of the people being memorialized in the media were felons.

Oh but that's okay. Protect criminals and admonish cops.

Idiots. You're a bunch of puppets.

"You realize most of the people being memorialized in the media were felons." - what a dumbass you are.

The bottom line is that whatever they were being accused of was not deserving of death. In your mind I bet you applaud that Dylan Roof, who shot up a church full of people, was taken to Burger King by the police before being taken to the police station ALIVE.

The bottom line is that whatever they were being accused of was not deserving of death. In your mind I bet you applaud that Dylan Roof, who shot up a church full of people, was taken to Burger King by the police before being taken to the police station ALIVE.

Must be pretty tough getting through life without the ability to perform research on your own.

That little shitbird was fed burger king while being interrogated at the police station. They didn't stop in for a whopper on the way.

Fun Fact: Withholding food during interrogation is considered a rights violation and grounds for discarding any testimony provided.

Really? Identity politics. Not the most qualified.

Great way to make a company burn.

Man you're so woke. You realize most of the people being memorialized in the media were felons.

Oh but that's okay. Protect criminals and admonish cops.

Idiots. You're a bunch of puppets.

Yep, 4 white men in a panel interview will always choose the most qualified. Go Fuck Yourself. Instead of BS corporate statements, fix that shite. Blah Blah Blah.

Really? Identity politics. Not the most qualified.

Great way to make a company burn.

Man you're so woke. You realize most of the people being memorialized in the media were felons.

Oh but that's okay. Protect criminals and admonish cops.

Idiots. You're a bunch of puppets.

Are you in Tulsa at the white nationalist Camp Covid rally this weekend?

So, Racism is only for AA individuals? ~50% female and ~25% minority, pretty diverse if you ask.. well, anybody.
This “diversity” you boast about and you are part of the problem. One group more than any other is disproportionately killed, convicted and harassed unfairly more than any other. This same group are routinely passed over for promotion in favor of others for a host of bullshit reasons. Ask any black person who works there.

Even the affirmative action so many whites complain about,was originally created to right the wrongs in America inflicted upon black people. Yet, the racists broadened it and the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action? Wait for it. White women.

The same white households who created the unfairness and their descendants STOLE the rightful opportunities of black people in society and throughout workplaces.

George Floyd and the many other people wrongly killed by police and wanna be cops like the criminal Zimmerman, who are routinely not held accountable, are the worst outcome for blacks. Lost promotions, income and long term incentives are the workplace equivalent. Along with blacks getting fired for lesser offenses than whites who MAYBE get a warning.

This information is available for anyone who actually cares. Many books, podcasts, articles,etc.

At a minimum, if you won’t bother to read about it (most of you haven’t yet), watch The Racial Wealth Gap Explained, and Patriot Act (the George Floyd episode) on Netflix. Each one is less than 20 minutes. I’m betting you won’t watch either

Please do lots of handshaking, high fives, group hugs, and take in the air at the white nationalist propaganda rally with your obese spray tanned blob of blubber idol[/QUOTE

please do a lot of running, smashing and grabbing as you loot during the BLM defund the police rally with your “we be taking over” delusional friends and socialist cronies

Really? Identity politics. Not the most qualified.

Great way to make a company burn.

Man you're so woke. You realize most of the people being memorialized in the media were felons.

Oh but that's okay. Protect criminals and admonish cops.

Idiots. You're a bunch of puppets.

Nobody claimed that the people who were murdered by police, who were the REAL felons, were perfect, you stupid jerk. The fact is, if they were white, they would most likely have not been murdered by cops. Do you get it?

Furthermore, the reason many of them even have criminal records is due in part to unfair prosecution. And historic mistreatment by you and your ancestors and POLICE. Nearly every law abiding black man that I know has been stopped, put in handcuffs, treated harshly or arrested falsely and feared for their life due to racial profiling and racist cops. Professional men. Clean records. From “good families.” Those qualifiers are never even necessary for white guys. It’s not okay to kill someone because they are black. Or white or purple!

And even felons are innocent until proven guilty! Not for past transgressions moron!

As for “admonishing cops.” It’s a tough job, but they signed up for it. They weren’t drafted. They actually SHOULD be admonished because they hold the power of life and death! They need to be More emotionalLy intelligent, More measured and More restrained. This is not too much to ask for.

EQUAL treatment under the law. Accountability for cops. And required reading and counseling for azzholes like you!