Though a bit dated the lens haven't changed. Despite the new daily and the challenges listed above the bulk of the business is in their older soflens and purevision toric and Multifocals (and they are getting slaughter there). Here is some food for thought (keep in mid almost all the competition is growning or seeing low single point loses)
2009 - loss of 14% market share
2010 - loss of 13% market share
2011 - loss of 11% market share
It would not take much to argue that good parts of the growth Ciba and Cooper are seeing are not comming from J&J but B+L.
On a scale of 1 to 5 in inovation B+L despite the launch of PV2 and PV2 Toric scored a 2.82 and their closest competitor scored a 3.59.
Granted a new lens can change that perception but given their track record of launches, the markets over saturation of quality lens, and ODs lack of motivation to change heathly happy patients the odds are not in their favor. Bottom line, best case situation Biotrue daily puts a small dent into a massively declining market share.