The Hans/Rosen era starts Monday at Dendreon...

This is another terrible move by the company.

The guy is very experienced (including, many experiences that no company would welcome) and has a reputation as a hard headed, ego driven. dictator.

Should be real interesting to see him and Hans competing - very unlikely they will both be here in 6 months time.

Keep you head down, and enjoy the show....

Rosen is fantastic - he is the guy that built the bayer onc division - not pucci. dont be a hater - with him at DNDN there is hope. The suit against him is a joke to - if you read carefully you will see he hates everyone equally. keep your stock you will get a 40% rise in 6 months.

Rosen is fantastic - he is the guy that built the bayer onc division - not pucci. dont be a hater - with him at DNDN there is hope. The suit against him is a joke to - if you read carefully you will see he hates everyone equally. keep your stock you will get a 40% rise in 6 months.
Bayer oncology has a sales force of less than 40 people, does that constitute a division?? Rosen is the idiot who destroyed Bayer Oncology. He didn't want heme-malignancies in the oncology portfolio from the day Bayer bought Schering/Berlex, so he sold the heme franchise to Genzyme. That worked out real well-whole sales force laid off and Sanofi/Genzyme now has control of a product (Campath) that's going to bring in billions in MS. Rosen and Hans are meant for each other-this ought to be fun to watch:)

This company is not big enough for Bishop and Rosen to exist together. Bishop hates Rosen and is threatened by his presence. Rosen was brought here to push Bisop out. This was Mitch's way of delivering Bishop's Q1 review. Deliver in Q2 or you're out. Let the games begin.

Bayer oncology has a sales force of less than 40 people, does that constitute a division?? Rosen is the idiot who destroyed Bayer Oncology. He didn't want heme-malignancies in the oncology portfolio from the day Bayer bought Schering/Berlex, so he sold the heme franchise to Genzyme. That worked out real well-whole sales force laid off and Sanofi/Genzyme now has control of a product (Campath) that's going to bring in billions in MS. Rosen and Hans are meant for each other-this ought to be fun to watch:)
This doesn't tell the whole story. When the Bayer products went over to Genzyme, Rosen instructed US upper management, through legal, that they were to be "hands off" with all reps and field management. Basically cut all ties and left everyone fending for themselves. He really hurt a lot of people, and knowing the way Genzyme conducted business, I wouldn't be surprised if he personally pocketed some nice coin when all was said-and-done. Bishop may be a nightmare but Rosen is much worse and he can't be trusted. "It is better to deal with the devil you know than with the devil you don't know."

This doesn't tell the whole story. When the Bayer products went over to Genzyme, Rosen instructed US upper management, through legal, that they were to be "hands off" with all reps and field management. Basically cut all ties and left everyone fending for themselves. He really hurt a lot of people, and knowing the way Genzyme conducted business, I wouldn't be surprised if he personally pocketed some nice coin when all was said-and-done. Bishop may be a nightmare but Rosen is much worse and he can't be trusted. "It is better to deal with the devil you know than with the devil you don't know."

"Pick a devil" what a prospect - can we not do better, is Provenge and/or Dendreon not able to attract talented folks without colossal, uncontrollable and vindictive egos?

Rosen is fantastic - he is the guy that built the bayer onc division - not pucci. dont be a hater - with him at DNDN there is hope. The suit against him is a joke to - if you read carefully you will see he hates everyone equally. keep your stock you will get a 40% rise in 6 months.

Hey McIdiot, check the stock price today and let's see just how smart you are! Loser!!!

Can't directly blame this all on Rosen who has jumped on as marketing "engineer" on this "train ride to unemployment" late, but quite frankly folks, review of his background confirms I wouldn't even hire this guy to steer Thomas the Tank Engine through his adventures on the fictional Island of Sodor. Conductor "Bishop" must have "punched his ticket" to get him onto this railway, but I'm looking for the next station to get off.

Rosen is fantastic - he is the guy that built the bayer onc division - not pucci. dont be a hater - with him at DNDN there is hope. The suit against him is a joke to - if you read carefully you will see he hates everyone equally. keep your stock you will get a 40% rise in 6 months.

Well now, I'm sure your singing a very different tune these days