The Facts


Ok so here is the REAL reason for the failure of Surfaxin and the failure of DSCO.

The product NEVER satisfied any unmet need.....period....its not needed

The product actually CAUSED HARM.......everyone who purchased had severe incidents and returned it.

The CEO and more importantly the CFO Tattory had zero clue of anything outside of adding up numbers .....they are fu&king accountants for Chris's sake.....NOT commercial executives.

Executives listened to Brad who is a fellow numbers geek ....Brad has never left his Bobble head office and has no idea of what a customer needs or how to satisfy them....BUT his goofy ideas and spread sheets are gobbled up by Cooper and Tattory as a solid plan of action

The BOD is ancient and had no business being in a decision making capacity.....a lot has happened to the industry since 1970 when they last worked for an organization however they continue to apply decades old big pharma tactics in a new game


The FDA investigated several undocumented incidents involving Surfaxin (Quality and Adverse Events) and far too much liability exists based on future claims. Aerosurf will not succeed because the same clinical NICU cronies involved in the Surfaxin “cover up” have tainted the pipeline.

Tom Miller was too good of a salesman. Sold the board on how much Surfaxin could generate and dismissed the adverse events as "cost of doing business". He was the person who was responsible for getting the sweetheart Deerfield loan. He even sold himself on how great Surfaxin is. I question why the Salesforce stayed as long as they did. After collecting a paycheck for years and not yielding any results, a good self respecting would would have left for greener pasteurs.