The End of ERT reps


It's the end or pretty close to it for ERT reps. Does anyone know when Bromfed or any of the other contracts end? I thought we were supposed to keep Tekturna until June but with a smaller call panel. That wasn't to be but was anyone expecting it to last? We all got shorted on the Bromfed materials we ordered so that's another sign that it's almost over, but when? The new contracts are so small only a few are working them. If we got good mid year reviews it won't matter because we are about as close to being unemployed as you can get. Oh well, anyone want to tell the rest of us how to get unemployment? I have never gotten laid off before so it will be a new for me and I am sure many others who have hung in there with the old PDI sinking ship.

For unemployment you can just go and file online. It is easy. I have been on parttime unemployment since we lost the bigger contracts. The PDI plan is still for ERT to be an integral part of the whole. I do believe this to be true. File for unemployment and look for other jobs if you need to.

Haven't heard a word about any new contracts for May. Sounds like the same old thing we hear but this time it seems like there is nothing in the works just wishful thinking. Has anyone heard when all the other small contracts are going to end?