The end is near


As sales reps we have very little power and what we say and do matter little. I realize how fortunate I am to have a job and salary for the type of work I do. Yet I don’t understand how individuals with more power and greater salaries who are responsible for us continue to make misstep after misstep with Wegovy. We launched in June and it has been mistaken after mistake and as reps we pay the price. Just like the patients who this medicine is suppose to treat, they just did not wake up one Friday morning and suddenly they are obese. It’s something that has been slowly building. So how does Novo on a Friday announce we have depleted our supply of 1.0?? As reps we saw this coming for weeks, weeks but we are ignored. Now they have to change our IC because this just happened? I call BS, you literally gave us our goals this week. So how does this happen? Am I in the twilight zone? Am I the one that’s crazy? I’ve already reached out to my contacts and I am out as fast as I can find something else. I miss the old novo, I’ll even take the novo from 5 years ago


It's not just the Wegovy reps. It's DCS as well. Goals jump enormously (goals should go up so don't start on that bandwagon), but no samples available for the entire POA - hopefully we will have them back end of July? When a major competitor is about to get approval and launch? We all know EVERY company launches products better than Novo. Wonder if we would still be in this dumpster fire if Ed Cinca were still around? Or Andy?

And don't even get me started on the Brand team...but I will say this one thing about them... I have never seen a brand team so completely out of touch with what is important to doctors and patients as our teams. They have lost sight (or probably never knew) what providers want and find valuable from a Pharma company.

As the dumpster fire continues to burn, many of us will get our exit strategies in place.

Novo is sabotaging this launch so badly that is just can't be explained. The wrong people are being given leadership positions and we are now experiencing the end result. This product sells itself with it's efficacy, the only thing we have to do is to get it into the pharmacy. We have created the obesity market and are now handing it over to our competitor on a silver platter. It really is just incredible.

its all set up and contrived for the biglayoffs that are coming soon.. see all these things keep happening . Because at the end of the day this company will be dead in the water one molecule 2000 reps/ educators ask yourself if we need all these people and the answer is drum roll no. why do so many good managers and great reps keep leaving well because they see the writing on the wall. Keep saying rightsized but that is never the case GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO CONTIUE TO DRINK THE BLUE SMURF KOOLAID > YOU MUST HAVE BLUE EYES AND BE ALBINO TYPE SKIN> THAT IS A DEI GROUP NOW> DO WE HAVE ANY ALBINOS AT THE COMPANY>

It's not just the Wegovy reps. It's DCS as well. Goals jump enormously (goals should go up so don't start on that bandwagon), but no samples available for the entire POA - hopefully we will have them back end of July? When a major competitor is about to get approval and launch? We all know EVERY company launches products better than Novo. Wonder if we would still be in this dumpster fire if Ed Cinca were still around? Or Andy?

And don't even get me started on the Brand team...but I will say this one thing about them... I have never seen a brand team so completely out of touch with what is important to doctors and patients as our teams. They have lost sight (or probably never knew) what providers want and find valuable from a Pharma company.

As the dumpster fire continues to burn, many of us will get our exit strategies in place.
Agree 100%. We had astronomical goal increases ( a weekly number we have never hit once), after being told we will have no samples, which in itself may effect IC. Look at that original email about the samples. I agree that Novo is sabotaging itself here, nothing makes sense. I'm starting to believe that they want people to leave on their own.

Agree 100%. We had astronomical goal increases ( a weekly number we have never hit once), after being told we will have no samples, which in itself may effect IC. Look at that original email about the samples. I agree that Novo is sabotaging itself here, nothing makes sense. I'm starting to believe that they want people to leave on their own.
That’s it Genius! Where have you been?

Agree 100%. We had astronomical goal increases ( a weekly number we have never hit once), after being told we will have no samples, which in itself may effect IC. Look at that original email about the samples. I agree that Novo is sabotaging itself here, nothing makes sense. I'm starting to believe that they want people to leave on their own.

The more reps that leave on their own, the less severance to pay out. This is SOP for pharmaceutical companies.

The more reps that leave on their own, the less severance to pay out. This is SOP for pharmaceutical companies.

Also why do you think they switched to unlimited time off. Will never have to pay out vacation time for people that leave it laid off. But they can label it as the big wave of sweeping employee benefits.
Heaven help the fools that haven't explored an exit strategy for the Great Termination!

The more reps that leave on their own, the less severance to pay out. This is SOP for pharmaceutical companies.[/

I disagree. novo or any other company doesn’t give a shit about how much severance they have to pay out. If that were the case they would fire all of the least tenured reps with the least amount of time served but they don’t. They will fire whoever doesn’t fit the mold…aka…whoever doesn’t kiss ass or toes the line. Play the game and you stay. Make noise and you go. Post on yammer you stay, roll your eyes and you go. I knew reps that were let go in 2020/21 and then were announced as COE winners for 2020. There are no formulas. DBMs pick and choose. Once you are gone you are no longer their problem. Severance is a drop in the bucket for them. This dysfunctional company is worth billions.

jus wanna say...well played Novo leadership. We always wait to release quarterly financials on our announced date but it was such "great news" we couldn't wait.
Or are you trying to prevent a Novo stock run off fresh of the Lilly Tirzepatide news!
Our leaders in the US and denmark are freaking out.
get ready for more metrics, bully tactics, threats, ride alongs, unobtainable IC goals..

All while ET cheers "the state of our union is strong!"

Funny how timely all this is > WE are so Strategic and we tell our reps we are the best the right size we will be fine against Trizep but watch out when the stuff hits the fan or the rubber meets the road. Novo will slash reps just like it always has to drive up the stock.

anyone notice Rybelsus wasn't on the list of top 10 diabetes drugs. I love Ozempic and makes sense we celebrate it. Rybelsus will bleed this company. Would be hilarious to see Lilly do a tirzepatide vs Rybelsus study

anyone notice Rybelsus wasn't on the list of top 10 diabetes drugs. I love Ozempic and makes sense we celebrate it. Rybelsus will bleed this company. Would be hilarious to see Lilly do a tirzepatide vs Rybelsus study
Yet another failed launch attempt by bozo nordisk. Just add it to the list…rybelsus, tresiba, xultophy, wegovy. Any others?

Hard to say. Remember, there is a reason that those two are no longer here. That being said, our last great launch was Victoza, IMO.
That is an acceptable answer. Ozempic was also done remotely well. It’s unfortunate just about every launch since 2010 has been a disaster. Twelve years of incompetence at its best. What other company functions this way? I understand they make a lot of money but why can’t they do anything the right way?