The emperor has no pipeline!


"The emperor has no pipeline", said the 23 year old FDE to the senior executives of Lilly.

At least someone had the guts to finally come out and say it. Open your eyes stockholders. None of the pipeline hype from the past 10 years has materialized. Why would anyone think that the promises for 2012 and beyond will be any different. "HOPE" is not an investment strategy unless you're a well educated snake oil salesman who's trying to take advantage of the idiots before leaving their village.

"The emperor has no pipeline", said the 23 year old FDE to the senior executives of Lilly.

At least someone had the guts to finally come out and say it. Open your eyes stockholders. None of the pipeline hype from the past 10 years has materialized. Why would anyone think that the promises for 2012 and beyond will be any different. "HOPE" is not an investment strategy unless you're a well educated snake oil salesman who's trying to take advantage of the idiots before leaving their village.

one that glorifies the virgin Passageway at CoffeeZon-upon-the-Confluence-of-the-Great Labyrinthines.

"The emperor has no pipeline", said the 23 year old FDE to the senior executives of Lilly.

At least someone had the guts to finally come out and say it. Open your eyes stockholders. None of the pipeline hype from the past 10 years has materialized. Why would anyone think that the promises for 2012 and beyond will be any different. "HOPE" is not an investment strategy unless you're a well educated snake oil salesman who's trying to take advantage of the idiots before leaving their village.


"ØH NØ!", Jån exclaimed, "Dåh-PípeLíe is GREAT...and Fílled wis dah best we can SPIN and INFLATE...Tîm-Tôoplers, Zyprizzlers, and blue Cymmbbaloons...byduureos, Gemjigglers and NERI-O'Toons" The sprightly olde Swede then in a great flashed, disappeared up the void of his very own åšš!