Dear Diary,
It's been a long time since I wrote to you diary. In fact the last time I wrote was after my stint with the Beach Boys reunion tour just before out swimming that shark and having that fine cuban smoke with Fidel Castro (or was it Elvis?). He was amazed at how fast I could swim. I had to remind him that I gave up my olympic swimming dreams to become the youngest executive director of strategic thinking and brain genius internet simulation at Astra-Merck. Fucking Gore, he gets all the credit...
Anyway, I'm getting back to you as part of my New Year's resolution and because of the momentous events at work. It's been an easy down hill for the MAA since I took over. Fucking managed care. Don't those idiots know that I invented "Executing Excellence". (I still love that way that rolls off the tongue as if I were a judge sentencing a convict with a funny last name.) But no. Those dolts have to tank Benicar in my area just like marketing can't forecast Effient, Azor, Welchol or Tribenzor potential sales. That marketing team couldn't forecast the weather hour to hour with their collected heads out the window.
It sure is going to hurt as we get rid of a "little heavy around the middle" people. Even though I'm sure to get more direct reports as Jon and Bill recognize what positive leadership I have exhibited with my "Executing Excellence" signature on the emails, demoting a couple will suck the little BillD.
I have such a tough choice though about who to send back down to the minors. I mean I like Gregwich so much. Sharp dresser, doesn't say much and certainly tells me everything I need to know that he's heard from those guillible DMs. He makes good coffee too. Paigee. Paigee, Paigee, Paigee. What will I do with you? You're leadership is so amazing. Such strong recall for stating everything I have said whether it makes sense or not at the time. Ever sinse I told you to listen to your people and lead from behind you've been able to reproduce everything Joe says. You're just too nice to look at to get rid of. Shoot, Bill and Jon won't let me get rid of you anyway since they've fired almost every other preceeding woman RD before you. Leighbo is an easy call. (Jon's sister would kick him to the curb for sure if I did that - cheezncrackers - he'd forget all the terrific leadership he's copied all these years). My boy Taudd. We've come a long way and I should reward you like I did Bryne Hause for keeping your mouth shut for so many years. All of those bite your tongue walk out the room tantrums (ahh...good times) I consider those teachable moments that'll serve you well as a DM again.
Ok diary, that's enough for now. I'll get back to you later as my full proof "rebuild by reducing moral and exercising fear" theme plan comes together. It's going to be a winner! I think I'll sign my emails "Accountability Stops Here." - Big Bill.
It's been a long time since I wrote to you diary. In fact the last time I wrote was after my stint with the Beach Boys reunion tour just before out swimming that shark and having that fine cuban smoke with Fidel Castro (or was it Elvis?). He was amazed at how fast I could swim. I had to remind him that I gave up my olympic swimming dreams to become the youngest executive director of strategic thinking and brain genius internet simulation at Astra-Merck. Fucking Gore, he gets all the credit...
Anyway, I'm getting back to you as part of my New Year's resolution and because of the momentous events at work. It's been an easy down hill for the MAA since I took over. Fucking managed care. Don't those idiots know that I invented "Executing Excellence". (I still love that way that rolls off the tongue as if I were a judge sentencing a convict with a funny last name.) But no. Those dolts have to tank Benicar in my area just like marketing can't forecast Effient, Azor, Welchol or Tribenzor potential sales. That marketing team couldn't forecast the weather hour to hour with their collected heads out the window.
It sure is going to hurt as we get rid of a "little heavy around the middle" people. Even though I'm sure to get more direct reports as Jon and Bill recognize what positive leadership I have exhibited with my "Executing Excellence" signature on the emails, demoting a couple will suck the little BillD.
I have such a tough choice though about who to send back down to the minors. I mean I like Gregwich so much. Sharp dresser, doesn't say much and certainly tells me everything I need to know that he's heard from those guillible DMs. He makes good coffee too. Paigee. Paigee, Paigee, Paigee. What will I do with you? You're leadership is so amazing. Such strong recall for stating everything I have said whether it makes sense or not at the time. Ever sinse I told you to listen to your people and lead from behind you've been able to reproduce everything Joe says. You're just too nice to look at to get rid of. Shoot, Bill and Jon won't let me get rid of you anyway since they've fired almost every other preceeding woman RD before you. Leighbo is an easy call. (Jon's sister would kick him to the curb for sure if I did that - cheezncrackers - he'd forget all the terrific leadership he's copied all these years). My boy Taudd. We've come a long way and I should reward you like I did Bryne Hause for keeping your mouth shut for so many years. All of those bite your tongue walk out the room tantrums (ahh...good times) I consider those teachable moments that'll serve you well as a DM again.
Ok diary, that's enough for now. I'll get back to you later as my full proof "rebuild by reducing moral and exercising fear" theme plan comes together. It's going to be a winner! I think I'll sign my emails "Accountability Stops Here." - Big Bill.