The difficulty in getting Merck out of your brain - even when gone


This company is like a poison...a poison with a long half-life. Even when you leave
here, it is hard to get the experience out of your brain...To be subjected to such utter
nonsense on a daily basis, definitely takes a toll on one's psyche.

When you leave the company, it may take up to a year or two, to fully integrate the
experience, before you can shit it out of you, the way Merck crapped you out of their
corporate behind when they were done with you.

How this multi-headed monster ever grew this evil can only be understood by those who
have been here long enough, to watch the descent move deeper and deeper down...

I feel bad for all the young kids in their nicely cut suits and shiny company cars...No one
gets outta here alive I am here to tell you. You will all end up leaving in one way or
another and resenting the hell out of Merck for wasting your life and wasting your time.

Just wait and see....

This company is like a poison...a poison with a long half-life. Even when you leave
here, it is hard to get the experience out of your brain...To be subjected to such utter
nonsense on a daily basis, definitely takes a toll on one's psyche.

When you leave the company, it may take up to a year or two, to fully integrate the
experience, before you can shit it out of you, the way Merck crapped you out of their
corporate behind when they were done with you.

How this multi-headed monster ever grew this evil can only be understood by those who
have been here long enough, to watch the descent move deeper and deeper down...

I feel bad for all the young kids in their nicely cut suits and shiny company cars...No one
gets outta here alive I am here to tell you. You will all end up leaving in one way or
another and resenting the hell out of Merck for wasting your life and wasting your time.

Just wait and see....

A 100% true!

I did not understand the look of sadness that appeared on an old independent businessman's face when I proudly proclaimed to him that I had been offered a job with Merck and would be starting in two weeks. My youthful status and inexperience led me to believe this successful old gent simply did not understand the wonderful opportunity that Merck had extended to me. His disappointment must have come from an ignorance of the pharmaceutical industry in general and Merck in particular. He said Merck would use my years of greatest energy, then abandon me when my age moved beyond peak productivity. FF 30 years and I clearly understand his look of sadness. It would be a look mirrored on my face now whenever any fresh-faced man or woman tells me they work for Merck. What that old gent warned me about did in fact, happen. If only I had listened and followed his advice when I was fresh-faced.

This is the best post I have ever read on CP. I think what this older gentleman was telling you, was not Merck specific. It was the corporate world. This is the way all big companies work. Hard for people who have not lived through it to understand. They get young people who are easily manipulated with awards, trips, cars, bonuses, and promotions. All of it is part of their plan to program the way the brain works and the chemical reward systems. They slowly get the employee to think of the company as family, so they will work harder and longer and be afraid to leave. They disconnect the person from their family and community with over work. They get the person addicted to the intense pleasure chemicals that come with the corporate rewards systems and then slowly move them out further and further so the poor person is working nonstop to get the next promotion or award that is now, very slow to come. They are cults. They use the same tactics that cults use to trap people. They know exactly when they have drained the productivity out of a person and it is at 55. They have clear data showing why they have to get rid of people at 55. I also, had an older man tell me that when I hit 55, they would find a way to force me out. I, of course, didn’t believe it would happen to me because I was so good and so valuable. He was right and I was wrong. They don’t make exceptions for high producers, like I was sure they would. It is all in the hands of the lawyers at that point and their job is to reduce liability that comes with health issues for some over 55. They have clear graphs that show people slow down after 55 and even though this person has developed a lot of skills and connections, they do not compensate for declining productivity and health. This is how they think. It is now accelerated, because they can keep healthcare and wage costs down and productivity high with young people who are eager to prove themselves. By the time you know all of this, it is too late. All you can do is tell young people the story and hope that they will learn. But I didn’t.

I did not understand the look of sadness that appeared on an old independent businessman's face when I proudly proclaimed to him that I had been offered a job with Merck and would be starting in two weeks. My youthful status and inexperience led me to believe this successful old gent simply did not understand the wonderful opportunity that Merck had extended to me. His disappointment must have come from an ignorance of the pharmaceutical industry in general and Merck in particular. He said Merck would use my years of greatest energy, then abandon me when my age moved beyond peak productivity. FF 30 years and I clearly understand his look of sadness. It would be a look mirrored on my face now whenever any fresh-faced man or woman tells me they work for Merck. What that old gent warned me about did in fact, happen. If only I had listened and followed his advice when I was fresh-faced.

I believe 30 years ago it was more not knowing who was Merck and the pharmaceutical industry than what you feel now. I joined Merck about that time too. People barely could name more than 3 or 4 drug companies. Pharmaceutical sales, especially ethical drug sales, was a stranger to your average person then. It was professional sales and low key. No fancy feasts, lavish events, deli trays, booze, golf outing, free trips, etc. I participated in a few master conferences and they were conducted with education in mind and entertainment second. We may have a few pens and pads plus some educational materials and that was it. It was more of a personal selling and relationship selling. Male and female (not too many) reps dressed professionally.

Very strange that this "old gent" would be sad for you 30 years ago....when pharma was at its prime and the sales rep position was the envy of all.

Those were my exact thoughts about pharma 30 years ago. But what was true about corporations then is now magnified and easily recognized with an accelerated layoff trend.

Very strange that this "old gent" would be sad for you 30 years ago....when pharma was at its prime and the sales rep position was the envy of all.

Not really. He simply knew the odds were long that I'd make it to my retirement years with the same corporation that hired me during my peak productivity years. He believed being in business for yourself had the best odds for successfully reaching retirement with greatest control over one's destiny. That was right then as it is now.

This is the best post I have ever read on CP. I think what this older gentleman was telling you, was not Merck specific. It was the corporate world. This is the way all big companies work. Hard for people who have not lived through it to understand. They get young people who are easily manipulated with awards, trips, cars, bonuses, and promotions. All of it is part of their plan to program the way the brain works and the chemical reward systems. They slowly get the employee to think of the company as family, so they will work harder and longer and be afraid to leave. They disconnect the person from their family and community with over work. They get the person addicted to the intense pleasure chemicals that come with the corporate rewards systems and then slowly move them out further and further so the poor person is working nonstop to get the next promotion or award that is now, very slow to come. They are cults. They use the same tactics that cults use to trap people. They know exactly when they have drained the productivity out of a person and it is at 55. They have clear data showing why they have to get rid of people at 55. I also, had an older man tell me that when I hit 55, they would find a way to force me out. I, of course, didn’t believe it would happen to me because I was so good and so valuable. He was right and I was wrong. They don’t make exceptions for high producers, like I was sure they would. It is all in the hands of the lawyers at that point and their job is to reduce liability that comes with health issues for some over 55. They have clear graphs that show people slow down after 55 and even though this person has developed a lot of skills and connections, they do not compensate for declining productivity and health. This is how they think. It is now accelerated, because they can keep healthcare and wage costs down and productivity high with young people who are eager to prove themselves. By the time you know all of this, it is too late. All you can do is tell young people the story and hope that they will learn. But I didn’t.

great post...I have compared the pharma industry to the world of cults before as well...they are basiclly one and the same...But at Merck it is not really 55...i would say the intense pressure to push people out comes at more like 45, (at least these days) and anyone over that age has a target on their backs...

Of course, this is why America is is a system set up to benefit a few, (management) at the expense of everyone else...

kudos on the post though...Young people should run away from Merck, pharma sales, and corporate America as fast as possible....(Unless they are willing to sell their souls and become one of the abusers and oppressors.)

It's been 2 years for me- I was pushed out after 15 years-
Even though I am employed now and no longer have the stress of Merck- I struggle with the fact that I wasted all that time with Merck- when I could have been learning another industry or going to law/pt/ot/med school or something that would have paid off. I could just KICK myself for staying so long.....
Now with kids in school, I don't have the time or $ to go back to school to learn any new skills. Thank goodness my spouse works for a small family owned business that is good to their employees and rewards them well.

This is the best post I have ever read on CP. I think what this older gentleman was telling you, was not Merck specific. It was the corporate world. This is the way all big companies work. Hard for people who have not lived through it to understand. They get young people who are easily manipulated with awards, trips, cars, bonuses, and promotions. All of it is part of their plan to program the way the brain works and the chemical reward systems. They slowly get the employee to think of the company as family, so they will work harder and longer and be afraid to leave. They disconnect the person from their family and community with over work. They get the person addicted to the intense pleasure chemicals that come with the corporate rewards systems and then slowly move them out further and further so the poor person is working nonstop to get the next promotion or award that is now, very slow to come. They are cults. They use the same tactics that cults use to trap people. They know exactly when they have drained the productivity out of a person and it is at 55. They have clear data showing why they have to get rid of people at 55. I also, had an older man tell me that when I hit 55, they would find a way to force me out. I, of course, didn’t believe it would happen to me because I was so good and so valuable. He was right and I was wrong. They don’t make exceptions for high producers, like I was sure they would. It is all in the hands of the lawyers at that point and their job is to reduce liability that comes with health issues for some over 55. They have clear graphs that show people slow down after 55 and even though this person has developed a lot of skills and connections, they do not compensate for declining productivity and health. This is how they think. It is now accelerated, because they can keep healthcare and wage costs down and productivity high with young people who are eager to prove themselves. By the time you know all of this, it is too late. All you can do is tell young people the story and hope that they will learn. But I didn’t.

How true, except in today's realm the target age is 45....

I'm almost not feel I am targeted. Getting good feedback from CTL. No problems whatsoever. But ready to leave when it's time. After 50 you definitely slow question about it. Sales is a very physical job. Add to that the inconveniences (rain, snow, heat, humidity, wind, traffic, waiting time to see prescriber). The older I get, the less I want to subject myself to all this. The money is great, but life is short...