The Delta Variant RBD


D Speas ruined the Mountain West his first time through. Put people on plans on a whim, made everyone fearful for their jobs, couldn’t care less about people. Then, he was gone and everyone cheered thinking we were all done with Dougy. However, Delta Doug came back to reek havoc yet again. He brought with him a fake new persona that he cared about people. Yet, he still had his hit list and behind the scenes still makes life hell. This time, people have options and are getting the hell out on their own. You could say people are vaccinating from Delta Doug. The question is when will Novo eradicate him for good? Will the remaining reps get Delta Doug vaccinated? Will Novo continue to be the Biden of pharma and let him ruin the entire region?

You just now realizing the plan is to run people off so they have less to pay out in severance this next layoff…??that’s soon to happen.
DOUS can write the book on being a suck up. Just shocking that so many north in the org fall for it. They mistake “his” success with the actual drivers of it. Not even a scandalous affair and lawsuits can bring him down.

  • Mr. T   Nov 15, 2023 at 11:12: AM
DOUS can write the book on being a suck up. Just shocking that so many north in the org fall for it. They mistake “his” success with the actual drivers of it. Not even a scandalous affair and lawsuits can bring him down.

DOUS such a horrible little man
Would love to see him on the streets sometime. Trust me it would not be pretty