The Deal- Spin the Wheel


With bids coming in all is quiet on the buyout. Only a few at WP and B+L know whether the winning bid will be accepted. Dont expect any news on this until the end of February.

Predicting the winner of the purchase is imposible at this point. Sanofi, J&J, Merk, Philip Morris will not know if they won until WP accepts the bid. Could the company be sold in parts? Sure. Creative wheeling and dealing and buyers partnering up on the bids could seal the deal. These CEOs make the big money because they can make things happen. If buying part of B+L can help their business they will collaborate with another company to make the two company purchase with both companies getting the parts of B+L they need.

This will end in a Obama/Congress like standoff and in the last hours of the clock a sale will be made.

With bids coming in all is quiet on the buyout. Only a few at WP and B+L know whether the winning bid will be accepted. Dont expect any news on this until the end of February.

Predicting the winner of the purchase is imposible at this point. Sanofi, J&J, Merk, Philip Morris will not know if they won until WP accepts the bid. Could the company be sold in parts? Sure. Creative wheeling and dealing and buyers partnering up on the bids could seal the deal. These CEOs make the big money because they can make things happen. If buying part of B+L can help their business they will collaborate with another company to make the two company purchase with both companies getting the parts of B+L they need.

This will end in a Obama/Congress like standoff and in the last hours of the clock a sale will be made.

You are right end of February is the likely target date for the deal.

You're Fucking retarded if you think you'll get better benefits elsewhere. Oh yeah 3 Weeks vacation with the ability to but one sucks, so does the amazing 401k with the best employer match in the industry, yeah that sucks too. The bonuses the fact they get adjusted and management dies the right thing a lot to help, yeah that sucks too. YOU'RE A MORON! my guess is you're one if the Ista babies that can't let go off the past. WAKE UP its not going to get much better honey especially with big pharma like Merck or JnJ. Is it perfect here, no but it's better than most.

You're Fucking retarded if you think you'll get better benefits elsewhere. Oh yeah 3 Weeks vacation with the ability to but one sucks, so does the amazing 401k with the best employer match in the industry, yeah that sucks too. The bonuses the fact they get adjusted and management dies the right thing a lot to help, yeah that sucks too. YOU'RE A MORON! my guess is you're one if the Ista babies that can't let go off the past. WAKE UP its not going to get much better honey especially with big pharma like Merck or JnJ. Is it perfect here, no but it's better than most.

Is it perfect here, no but its better than most = loser talk .....reality is who ever wrote this is in denial and does not have a clue outside of B&L!!!! This place is the bottom of shit trust me IT IS NOT BETTER THAN MOST. Uplift yourself and your career, get some confidence and leave your nest\rocking cradle. You say these things only because you have low self esteem you are big here in B & Hell but a fucking nobody else where.

Is it perfect here, no but its better than most = loser talk .....reality is who ever wrote this is in denial and does not have a clue outside of B&L!!!! This place is the bottom of shit trust me IT IS NOT BETTER THAN MOST. Uplift yourself and your career, get some confidence and leave your nest\rocking cradle. You say these things only because you have low self esteem you are big here in B & Hell but a fucking nobody else where.

I agree. Most places give a better 401k match than here.

They do not. I've been in pharma 15yrs worked for numerous big and small pharma and I have never had this much free match, ever! As well as such a short time to be fully vested. You are all bitter and a bunch of whiners that will find anything to complain about.

You think Bausch is so good because you know you can not get a job anywhere else. Go ahead and continue to worship this company that does not give a rat's ass about you.
Leave now or you may find yourself going door to door trying to sell vaccums