When it comes to healthcare there will always be ever rising costs that are associated to keep the business afloat. The heads of these organizations are responsible to ensure that all needs have been met and also to keep funds readily available to cover unexpected costs that they may incur. The key is to know what is needed and plan ahead since everything can change at the drop of a dime. Take productivity improvement, it is not a secret that certain healthcare facilities do not have a lot of money to spend of quality improvements that will increase productivity in the workplace. A second point is technology; as time goes on so does technology and companies have to stay up with the times if they wish to remain open and fully functional. They have to plan for such things as computer upgrades, faster systems, user friendly systems for patients or customers all while attempting to stay under budget. This is not always an easy task to accomplish especially when speaking of technology. Another issue that can cost a lot of money would be an employee benefit program of some sort. According to (, 2020) they provide a plethora of benefits such as health and dental insurance as well as flexible spending accounts and vision experience to name a few. All of this takes money to keep up for their employees as do most companies. Even with laboratories they have to funds available to ensure tests are given with the proper equipment. (, 2020) allows patients from all walks of life to come and get tested for various reasons and once again they need to make sure they have what they need to get the test done. Some of the test require it to be rapid so the patient can have the result right away. This would require a different set up with regard to other types of tests in order for it to be effective. (, 2020) although a clinic for animals faces the same challenges. People tend to think that animals do not cost as much as humans to treat but it really is not that much far off. Animals have diseases just as humans do that require surgeries to fix and these surgeries are not cheap just as the machines they are treated on. The future is going to cause more inflation in terms of cost and companies have to be prepared to take on the new challenges. Certain future changes that can come about might include if a company is a nonprofit and they rely on public funding to keep their doors open. If they do not get the necessary funding they sadly may have to close down and that would be a complete disservice the patients that rely so heavily on them.