The Cost of the Health Care Workforce


Key Drivers within a Health Care Service

The three key factors explored found that the individual communities the health care facility serves plays a role in the number of patients available to use the services offered. This can cause an increase in the need for employees and administrative staff. With increased staff comes a needed increase in benefits for said staff, in order to motivate them in a positive way. The need of the organization to continuously move forward toward the future, also drives labor costs. (Woolhandler, Campbell, & Himmelstein, 2003)

Current Industry Solutions

Reducing administrative costs such as rent/building costs, technology costs, employee salaries, materials and supplies necessary for the organization. Reducing technology costs by keeping the current technology up to date, as well as keeping equipment in good working order so that it can be used for long periods of time rather than unnecessarily disposing of equipment. Rent and building costs can be reduced either through ownership of buildings, or through the negotiation of rent, or refinancing of mortgages, as well as the obtaining of or building of new buildings that serve the purpose and costs of the organization in a positive way. The initial cost cutting may not serve the organization immediately, but looking toward the future, the costs may benefit and the organization may be able to reap the rewards of their initial investment. (Keehan et al., 2011)

Future Changes

Governance of the health care sector plays a large role in both positive and negative changes. There are six strategies that are used in order to provide an organization with good governance. These are as follows: Preparatory analysis: Research and identify weaknesses within the organization in order to create and implement policies. Stakeholder identification and problem analysis: This phase, prioritizes problems found in phase one, utilizing stakeholders. Shared analysis and visioning: Is the identification of the root causes of the issues at hand, as well as moving forward toward solutions. Development of policy instruments for pilot testing: The creation of policies and solutions for the issues at hand. Policy development validation: Once implemented the policies are then observed for success or failure. Policy implementation and evaluation: The successful policies are put into action; then new policies are created for further issues that come to light. (Houngbo et al., 2017)


In conclusion, identification of issues and problems that arise in health care organizations. Identification of said issues is the first step, in good governance. Utilizing the six strategies can help to make an organization successful.


Houngbo, P. T., Coleman, H. L., Zweekhorst, M., De Cock Buning, T., Medenou, D., & Bunders, J. (2017). A Model for Good Governance of Healthcare Technology Management in the Public Sector: Learning from Evidence-Informed policy development and implementation in benin. Retrieved from A Model for Good Governance of Healthcare Technology Management in the Public Sector: Learning from Evidence-Informed Policy Development and Implementation in Benin

Keehan, S. P., Sisko, A. M., Truffer, C. J., Poisal, J. A., Cuckler, G. A., Madison, A. J., ... Smith, S. D. (2011). National health spending projections through 2020: Economic recovery and reform drive faster spending growth. Health Affairs, 30(8). Retrieved from

Woolhandler, S., Campbell, T., & Himmelstein, D. (2003, August 21). Costs of health care administration in the United States and Canada. New England Journal of Medicine, 768-775. Retrieved from Costs of health care administration in the United States and Canada. - PubMed - NCBI