The BS video from Tracy and more


First of all- Concierge was told not to discuss being paid on the 5 targets at the meeting. They new they would be paid and the other divisions were deceived until the lie came out.
100% lie that you decided to SPIN as change to the contest results . Do you think divisions do not talk ? Wake up.

#1 Derm company with no samples and no rebates in the field. Why ?

Contest Contest Contest- just like gambling all rigged for about 30% to make the money.
These contests are all smoke and mirrors.

What company pays 0 dollars unless you are at 100% or better. That would be Galderma on
Mirvaso. Why sell the drug ?

Epiduo market share flawed competing against its own Differin- SMART

Hey Jake Aczone is in Soolantra MarketShare and its not indicated for Rosacea. Doctor
will you replace Aczone with Soolantra going forward? Call it off label