The Bondholders Can Sue just like the Shareholders have.


There are rumors that management is meeting with JPM. No idea what it is about but it does bring to mind the bondholders that JPM sold notes to. They were convertible notes sold to bondholders while the share price was falsely inflated due to revenue guidance that was phony. If I were a bondholder I would want out due to these notes being sold under false pretenses. They are low interest notes with a completely unreachable conversion price. The conversion price seemed reachable when these notes were sold under false pretenses. If bondholders could get out, any new offerings would be real junk status as this is now a junk company. DNDN would probably have to borrow at rates well in excess of 10%. Bondholders would have the same case as the shareholders and as we will see in the future there is little doubt that this is a case that will be won by the plaintiffs.