The BMS Christmas Scrooge vs The AZ Christmas Scrooge


At BMS, they always hinted at layoffs before the break, so it screwed with Christmas spending and merriment in some ways. After all, one wasn't sure if they would have a job in Q1, so you spent carefully.

AZ just withholds the Bonus until January 30.

LMAO, which is worse?


FYI, BMS paid the bonus in December. However it was sketchy some years if the next bonus would be paid in March or possibly April. I guess it depended on what accounting said about the looks of the Q1 quarterly report.

Wow, that's a change. When I was there, there was no time off allotted for Christmas. Hell, you weren't even allowed to have a district Christmas party. Talk about Scrooge.

The last company I worked for had profit sharing during Christmas holidays. Usually along 7% of pay. It was great. AZ should consider a profit sharing program for the employees that help to generate the profit.

You must be BMS. If you look at your, AZ contributes a certain percentage of your earnings every year to a retirement savings account beyond your 401k. Typically, I think it's between 6-8%. This is far better because you seem like the type that looks forward to it and will spend it$$$$$$

I'm no fan of AZ, but at least they gave us a few days off for the holidays. I appreciate it, especially with all the changes this past year, i need a long break!

I appreciate the days also, but it was probably done to be able to cut the new databases and Veeva updates for our new alignments, and to reorganize thru all the management levels. The sell is that they did that for employee benefit, though there was probably a required company reason or they wouldn't have. This has been a stressful disaster ever since the BMS buyout, and it isn't over.

You must be BMS. If you look at your, AZ contributes a certain percentage of your earnings every year to a retirement savings account beyond your 401k. Typically, I think it's between 6-8%. This is far better because you seem like the type that looks forward to it and will spend it$$$$$$

No it was Abbott and we had a pension in addition to 401k match plus the profit sharing which I always used to max out my Roth IRAs. AZ is very cheap by comparison but I'm happy to have a job. I'm certainly not a spending type.

No it was Abbott and we had a pension in addition to 401k match plus the profit sharing which I always used to max out my Roth IRAs. AZ is very cheap by comparison but I'm happy to have a job. I'm certainly not a spending type.

Wait, I thought Abbott got rid of its defined pension plan years ago. Those in it were frozen weren't they? Those in at AZ continued to accrue if they were under an old legacy plan.

I appreciate the days also, but it was probably done to be able to cut the new databases and Veeva updates for our new alignments, and to reorganize thru all the management levels. The sell is that they did that for employee benefit, though there was probably a required company reason or they wouldn't have. This has been a stressful disaster ever since the BMS buyout, and it isn't over.

Your right about it not being over, can't wait until I start with my AZ manager. Morale in the area went straight into the toilet when than bomb was dropped.

Wait, I thought Abbott got rid of its defined pension plan years ago. Those in it were frozen weren't they? Those in at AZ continued to accrue if they were under an old legacy plan.

No they still have it. You can look it up. They get 6% match on 401k plus a defined benefit pension that is paid 100% by the company and fully vests after 5 years of service. Definitely among the best retirement offerings in our industry or any industry for that matter.

Your right about it not being over, can't wait until I start with my AZ manager. Morale in the area went straight into the toilet when than bomb was dropped.

here too. Can't wait to go sell Byetta after we spent how long slamming it. Like these drs are really going to write that. Can't wait to see how many eye rolls occur for wasting their time, and then be expected to have their full attention during ride alongs. WHY the h*ll hasn't AZ brought out the indication that should have been here two years ago......stupid dumb shits. Come on AZ, spend a dime or two for the Bydureon indication and some Medicare Part D formulary, and finally do something right. You're losing money screwing around and scraping the bucket for nothing.

here too. Can't wait to go sell Byetta after we spent how long slamming it. Like these drs are really going to write that. Can't wait to see how many eye rolls occur for wasting their time, and then be expected to have their full attention during ride alongs. WHY the h*ll hasn't AZ brought out the indication that should have been here two years ago......stupid dumb shits. Come on AZ, spend a dime or two for the Bydureon indication and some Medicare Part D formulary, and finally do something right. You're losing money screwing around and scraping the bucket for nothing.

Interesting you should say that about spending. I recently took a look at the pipeline on the AZ website and it was obvious where the company is investing, and it isn't diabetes.

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