The Blind Leading the Blind


A good drug with clueless management. Soliris in aHUS is going down the drain. Nephrology division is a failure from the top down. I don't think CEO has any idea about how badly mismanaged this division is. The stock is going no where but down down, down.

A good drug with clueless management. Soliris in aHUS is going down the drain. Nephrology division is a failure from the top down. I don't think CEO has any idea about how badly mismanaged this division is. The stock is going no where but down down, down.

There's always negative criticism no matter how great things are going! Alexion is by far one of the "jewels" of the industry!!! Nothing will be ever perfect!!!

A good drug with clueless management. Soliris in aHUS is going down the drain. Nephrology division is a failure from the top down. I don't think CEO has any idea about how badly mismanaged this division is. The stock is going no where but down down, down.

How stupid you must feel now. Alexion almost back to $90 today and we split at 90 a mere 9 months ago. aHUS has been just if not more succesful than the PNH launch and countless lives have been saved, many young children who otherwise would have died from this devasting disease.