The Blame Game


What is obvious is that many posting here go to quite the effort, however transparent, to appear as if they are someone else doing the posting, even attempting to use other posters language. Its so poorly done and worse, are those who claim they know exactly who is posting, when they post and go on to give initials. The real fact is that by ASSuming you know who is posting what here, you merely reveal how out of touch you are with reality. Sadly, the person who grts blamed for posting is rarely the real poster. Unless you get sadistic thrills from hurting innocent people, you may want to stop blaming people that dont have a clue whats being posted on CP & further, dont want any part of it. I realize for some of you, that's hard for you to fathom.

No shit, the blamers only have to hear something once and they run with it. Ever hear of dealing directly with someone you arent happy with? Its called management 101. Next time you get your vindictive on, think twice ahole. Maybe your asskiss didn't exactly tell the whole story and fabricated a bit, along with Dumb Dink, campbutt. He got his undeserved promo. Right Polo? Jackass.
Good thing your frat bro who slid you into mgmt, isnt a sales mger anymore. No more weasel shit. Next time you might have to earn it. BTW no one wanted your promo, it was a joke, like you. The whole entire team left for good reason.