The Art of Criminality


Some types of crimes should be viewed as art. Like all art, you will find great artists (Chapo and the 80's cocaine trafficers) and terrible artists (the sacklers and most other pharma companies). I'll let you interpret these artists and their works.

Some types of crimes should be viewed as art. Like all art, you will find great artists (Chapo and the 80's cocaine trafficers) and terrible artists (the sacklers and most other pharma companies). I'll let you interpret these artists and their works.

We are all co-conspirators. If you don't see that, then you will. Society snubs it nose from criminality yet benefits from it. If you don't see that, then you might. That's why the economy needs to completely collapse. That's how the cycle ends and starts all over.

We are all co-conspirators. If you don't see that, then you will. Society snubs its nose from criminality yet benefits from it. If you don't see that, then you might. That's why the economy needs to completely collapse. That's how the cycle ends and starts all over.

Where the genius of this artist would have been revealed is him admitting that he is a drug abuser, cheater, fraud, tax cheat, hypocrite, and anything else I forget about myself. When I get home from work, I am going to delete the collection of art that I created. I refuse to provide you with hope because I want to be anonymous, even if I have exposed myself to people technologically advanced enough to spy on me and everyone else. You need to build people up only to tear them apart. That's where your empty souls find hope from. Now, you are able to take my ideas and make them your own. Once again providing you with comfort and hope.