The Amgen stock decline...


And this also doesn't take into consideration Kyprolis failing, romo lack of vert data, delayed and lackluster Parsabiv data, the competitive migraine CGRP market where Amgen has no Neuroscience experience

  • About Repatha, I don’t think the clinical data from the outcome trial (FOURIER) will be sufficient to drive a meaningful improvement of formulary coverage for this drug. It’s true that the drug has achieved its primary and secondary endpoint and in particular it has demonstrated a 20% benefit on true MACE (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction or stroke), but I don’t think these results will be sufficient to change the PBMs restrictions to the drug. As reported on Fierce Pharma, streets analysts weren’t impressed by the results, and I agree with this view:

Repatha's 15% risk reduction on the primary endpoint—a composite that included cardiac death, hospitalization and revascularization procedures—means that preventing a CV "event" will be costly, Bernstein analyst Ronny Gal said in a Friday note.

At a cost of $7K/year, this translates to $958K per event saved," Gal wrote. "Thus, in our view, payers will continue to restrict access to the drug.

Barclays analysts weren't impressed, either. "We view this news as negative, with the results unlikely to drive significant expansion of the PCSK9 class following heavy restrictions among payers who believed the increased cost relative to current care standards (i.e. statins) not [commensurate] with the benefit," the analysts wrote in a Friday note.

  • About Neulasta, Amgen has been able to preserve this drug from biosimilar competition in Europe and the US. Two potential competitors, Apotex and Sandoz, have received CRLs (Complete Response Letters) from the FDA, while in Europe, the patent will expire in August 2017 for the big 5 European Countries. Despite that, a lot of players are still working on potential biosimilars for Neulasta, including Sandoz, Apotex, Pfizer, and Richter. So I think it’s reasonable to model conservatively that the company could face biosimilars competition for Neulasta in 2018 or 2019. Thus, I model 15% erosion annually for Neulasta since 2018, accounting for a mix of market share and pricing erosion. A good overview of the clinical development for this drug could be found here.
  • Lastly, I’m skeptical about the ability of Amgen to preserve its market share for Enbrel. This drug will face huge competition over the coming years, with potential biosimilars for its two key competitors, Remicade and Humira, which will be approved over the next 3-4 years. In addition to that, despite the drug is still not facing biosimilar competition, Amgen announced few quarter ago that they will not be able to retain any pricing power for Enbrel in 2017, given increasing restrictions by the PBMs. I think the worst is coming for Amgen related to its Enbrel franchise, thus I model 20% erosion annually for Enbrel since 2019, accounting for a mix of market share and pricing erosion


The only way to sustain revenue in the face of declining sales is to reduce costs, i.e. layoffs

Stock price is most driven by future revenue growth expectations which Amgen will be lacking. Layoffs will be to prevent operating margin loss in the face of decreased revenues.

Bob Bradway needs a major M&A and then quickly integrating to maintain margins while showing growth.

hold on, no layoffs. Finally US BAI and its newly promoted directors have generated actionable customer insights which will grow the underlying business. I am always afraid of asking BAI a question what products Amgen sells? I am sure they will say two Enbrel and Prolia.

Company should get rid of functions like BAI and outsource it within US. This is not company's core competency. Its just a waste of money behind these idiots, as most of the work is done by vendors and these guys present it as their own.

Company should get rid of functions like BAI and outsource it within US. This is not company's core competency. Its just a waste of money behind these idiots, as most of the work is done by vendors and these guys present it as their own.

All US BAI is ZS Associates making slides that senior management says. They make up data to support whatever conclusion management wants. No objectivity. Amgen is a scam!

Company should just outsource the US BAI to ZS, and that itself should save Amgen millions and help the bottom line. They were right sized before but some how they were able to talk management out of the higher headcount.