The 2 year wait will soon be up any ideas?


The 2 year IRS waiting penalty period is up on July 1st aside from the endless reorgs and strategies do you anticipate something major say within the next few weeks?

Side note: with Greece having an effect on stocks MNK down $11.00 in a week probably the EOC will wait a little.

I think what they're probably trying to say is will the company be sold, will it be parceled out so that non core revenue generating divisions not aligned with the strategic goals that will drive shareholder value and make make this a leading specialty pharma company are no longer hindering this drive to greatness.

Can't believe I just wrote that!

Rotfl good one!!! One would think with a lower stock price they probably will wait a while before doing anything. Let's not kid ourselves with what we've seen so far there probably have been decisions made just not announced.
Stay tuned

something is up. while communication here has always been bad, its worse than ever right now

The company is being sold. No one believed the post back in April that the layoff was going to occur at this very time. There have been several posts saying the objective of these leaders is to sell the company. It's going to happen. They never had any intention of making long term commitments with anything including Ofirmev, hence the triple price increase. Of course they talk about acquiring new devices and drugs as this again helps to attract potential buyers.

For one last time, this company does not care about you. The end result intent is the sell and has always been to sell. The name Mallinckrodt will eventually be gone.

The 2 year IRS waiting penalty period is up on July 1st aside from the endless reorgs and strategies do you anticipate something major say within the next few weeks?

Side note: with Greece having an effect on stocks MNK down $11.00 in a week probably the EOC will wait a little.

I hear that malli has gotten rid or will be getting rid of their imaging division very soon