
Just supplied 4th of July party with my Amex. Thanks forest, can't wait til labor day bash, oh ya, thanksgiving coming round the corner. Making best sangria with the wine just got. Caterers are a great thing.

Just supplied 4th of July party with my Amex. Thanks forest, can't wait til labor day bash, oh ya, thanksgiving coming round the corner. Making best sangria with the wine just got. Caterers are a great thing.

hope you put this into your call notes!

and by the way , you need to pay the tax on this

Why put this on here you idiot. We all do it, but we arent dumb enough to post it. By the way, I will enjoy my party tomorrow also, already started with some grillin and chillin. Also, thanks forest

Just supplied 4th of July party with my Amex. Thanks forest, can't wait til labor day bash, oh ya, thanksgiving coming round the corner. Making best sangria with the wine just got. Caterers are a great thing.

I am no legal expert, but sort of think when one is involved in (what is probably) criminal activity, one should not brag about it online.

Not dumb enough to use my computer to send this. We will all be gone soon. The least of our worries are Amex charges. Icahn and a poor portfolio are bigger concerns

No. But you did use a computer. Where can be found out. From that point it is only a matter of time before law enforcement figures out who you are. You don't get it. You admitted criminal activity. It ain't gonna be Forest HR tracking you down if they want to follow up. Not only did you say you are stealing, but you are going to lie in FRXpense and thus claim a physician is taking something he/she did not. How much liability does that open Forest upto?

I know you are going to say this and that - 'Icahn is gonna get us anyway' all that sort of stuff. I am just saying you are really taking a lot of risks by admitting criminal, fraudulent behavior online.

You are probably not that hard to find if someone wants to.

Haven't worked there in years. Just tired of forest reps bragging to other reps in the field about how they steal from the company. The things they do are criminal. Forest gives huge budgets that entice reps to steal because they have easy access and if they don't spend budgets, DMs think they aren't working. Maybe mint doesn't want Amex charges looked at because you know they aren't eating mcdonalds for lunch.

If you think you are anonymous you are not. All you have to do is keep up with legal issues going on in the internet. All Forest needs to do is subpoena cafe pharma for these posts and you will get caught. This is what Forest gets for hiring young kids who think they are entitled to everything.

Funny, the reps most guilty are the reps that have been here the longest. I wish I could talk to the Feds to tell them all that goes on here. The whole company would be very unhappy with all the emails I have and other info that may someday bring huge consequences. I would love to give them dozens of names to be questions about their illegal activities. The company doesn't care, as long as they don't get fined. THey keep guilty people around even though they have evidence of illegal activities just because those people know of others and it would snowball out of control. So, HR and compliance think if they ignore the issues, it will remain silent. Maybe it will, maybe not, but there could be an avalanche of people giving the Feds some serious info about this company. Funny, they could go thru my expences with a microscope and not find anything that shouldn't be there. Can you say that big shot?

If you think you are anonymous you are not. All you have to do is keep up with legal issues going on in the internet. All Forest needs to do is subpoena cafe pharma for these posts and you will get caught. This is what Forest gets for hiring young kids who think they are entitled to everything.

I smell bullshit from a paranoid manager here^^^^^^

do you realize majority of the info put on here is bullshit, so if forest wants to spend time tracking down anonymous chatter so be it, i would think they have more important things to worry about with the federal govt cracking down again on pharma companies

Just read the lawsuit. HR at forest should be put in jail for the way they treat the reps. They tell you it is confidential, then they run like little girls and tell on you, PUSSYS. There should be suits against them. HR has F'd too many reps. The stories are going to start to fly. This company will have so many suits against them, they will need more attorneys to try to stay afloat. Between harassment, off-label, paying docs, unapproved marketing pieces, everyone needs to keep your journals. Mine is so complete, and there is new additions every day. I would love to sit with Howard and tell him how this once great company has gone to shit. The reasons are, terrible DMs, bad RDs, and unqualified ABDs. HR is the other reason. They protect these ass munchers and allow the abuse to continue. If you have a complaint, get a god lawyer. There are good ones who would love to take this joke of a company down hard.