As a former drug rep, I am very familiar with Café Pharma and that it is primarily a place to vent about your employer. But my purpose here is different. I just wanted to say thank you to anyone and everyone who works for Gilead. I contracted Hep C in 1978 from a blood transfusion. I was lucky enough to be free from liver damage all these years and never tried interferon. I wanted to wait until a better, more efficacious drug was available and that's when I went on Sovaldi and Ribavirin. I was a Genotype 2 with a viral load of 47,000. I started therapy on June 7th and by July 1 was clear of the virus and still am today. I have had my post 3 month blood work and all is clear. Words cannot express how thankful I am for this drug that killed the "beast" I lived with for 36 years. My husband's insurance paid for it all except for a $30.00/month co-pay for both drugs. So thank you to all at Gilead - I am most grateful, thankful and appreciative to the reps out there who educated the practitioners about this drug. I will forever be most grateful. Thank you again.