Thank You - Thank You


Brian here....Just wanted to thank everyone for thanking everone while we were so busy thanking everyone. Your desire to be best in class is evident so thank you. I just wanted to say also, Thank you. Blah blah blah - let me close by saying thank you!

Brian here....Just wanted to thank everyone for thanking everone while we were so busy thanking everyone. Your desire to be best in class is evident so thank you. I just wanted to say also, Thank you. Blah blah blah - let me close by saying thank you!

Shut up asshole! Leave Brian Goff alone. He is just doing his job the best he can in light of all the circumstances right now.

Brian - just ignore all these negative people. I think you are doing a really good job! (I am not being sarcastic either). Keep doing what you are doing. Some of us in the field appreciate it!

Brian here....Just wanted to thank everyone for thanking everone while we were so busy thanking everyone. Your desire to be best in class is evident so thank you. I just wanted to say also, Thank you. Blah blah blah - let me close by saying thank you!

Ok smart guy. What would you say if you were accountable for the call?

In general, did you really learn anything new on this conference call? I mean we all knew we would get one of the struggling remaining products & we would be trained soon. (Duh?) Nothing really learned on this CC that couldn't of been sent to us via email. Why didn't he address whats on everyone's mind, layoffs? Kinda a waste of a call.

Okay okay....his hands were tied. I've tried to put myself into his position, but I can't. Tough place to be in - apologizing for all of the idiocies and f-ups of this incompetent bunch of spatsies. I look at every aspect of our "business" and find complete failure.
Launch of Tekamlo? Did we have a launch...samples - information for leave Samples for pharmacies/ many times (that we know of.) did we get a call stating the pharmacy can't get this bleeping medicine! Best in class? I guess the way this thing works is you have to kiss a bunch of posteriors to get to these lofty perches and when you get there you haven't learned anything other than how to kiss posteriors...i.e Brian Goff and "I just want to kiss I mean thank all of these fine Novartis posteriors I mean people for all they have done...WOW!! Hooray for knowing how to get to the top and completely screw up an organization! WE all would like to thank you!

In general, did you really learn anything new on this conference call? I mean we all knew we would get one of the struggling remaining products & we would be trained soon. (Duh?) Nothing really learned on this CC that couldn't of been sent to us via email. Why didn't he address whats on everyone's mind, layoffs? Kinda a waste of a call.

You have to do a better job balancing "YOU" and the job that needs to get done for customers and patients. What still needs to be addressed about layoffs or restructuring? That has been clearly stated, March! Its coming. I thought the call was good- lots of new information that wasn't available 2 weeks ago, and we are much better informed about next steps to help our customers and patients get through this. Do what you have to do to take care of your family, personal situation, etc..... but while we are here we still have a job to do.