Thank you Strativa


Too bad the majority didn't do what I did last year and get another gig with a smaller biotech company. It is called double dipping. I knew as soon as I got hired with Strativa it was inevitable that this company would be finished. Therefore I decided to milk all that was worth from this piece of shit company. I lucked out because I let my wife drive my personal vehicle for the other company while I drive Strativa's during the week. Sometimes my wife and I trade off and she will drive Strativa's car while I drive my personal.

It is almost sad that Strativa has allowed me to do this for so long. When the boat finally leaves the dock I will remember all of the fond memories of making fake calls from M-F while attending training at another organization and vice versa.

Strativa really allowed me to bank a shitload of money because its management team was so retarded to see what I was and is still doing.

As far as budgeting is concerned, I have a friend of mine who owns a catering company and I give him my budget each month and he charges and delivers accordingly while up charging Shitiva a few hundred dollars each week.

It is truly easy street now that the sales force has been reduced to fumes. Less and less field rides, less and less BS to deal with, etc. Now with this awesome news about Strativa being completely eliminated by the end of 2013 I can finally focus on what it is I want to do in life, buy a beach house with my double dipping and kick my feet up. I may even take an entire year off, who knows.

It is so sad the news that was given to the majority of the force that was eliminated weeks ago about how "we cannot continue to pay the Megace team their bonuses because of the federal agreement." Bullshit, we are still getting bonus on Megace. To the majority that was let go just be thankful you don't have to deal with this anymore.

A very rich counterpart

Too bad the majority didn't do what I did last year and get another gig with a smaller biotech company. It is called double dipping. I knew as soon as I got hired with Strativa it was inevitable that this company would be finished. Therefore I decided to milk all that was worth from this piece of shit company. I lucked out because I let my wife drive my personal vehicle for the other company while I drive Strativa's during the week. Sometimes my wife and I trade off and she will drive Strativa's car while I drive my personal.

It is almost sad that Strativa has allowed me to do this for so long. When the boat finally leaves the dock I will remember all of the fond memories of making fake calls from M-F while attending training at another organization and vice versa.

Strativa really allowed me to bank a shitload of money because its management team was so retarded to see what I was and is still doing.

As far as budgeting is concerned, I have a friend of mine who owns a catering company and I give him my budget each month and he charges and delivers accordingly while up charging Shitiva a few hundred dollars each week.

It is truly easy street now that the sales force has been reduced to fumes. Less and less field rides, less and less BS to deal with, etc. Now with this awesome news about Strativa being completely eliminated by the end of 2013 I can finally focus on what it is I want to do in life, buy a beach house with my double dipping and kick my feet up. I may even take an entire year off, who knows.

It is so sad the news that was given to the majority of the force that was eliminated weeks ago about how "we cannot continue to pay the Megace team their bonuses because of the federal agreement." Bullshit, we are still getting bonus on Megace. To the majority that was let go just be thankful you don't have to deal with this anymore.

A very rich counterpart

You are pathetic! What a fucking loser to even post such shit. Go fuck yourself- you wish you were this clever!

You think its that difficult? Try it. Anyone try it. There is no one left to verify signatures, managers will be lucky to see you every 2.5 months. The last POA will be the last meeting for this company. as long as you are flying around 90% no one would have any idea you were doing this.

Too bad the majority didn't do what I did last year and get another gig with a smaller biotech company. It is called double dipping. I knew as soon as I got hired with Strativa it was inevitable that this company would be finished. Therefore I decided to milk all that was worth from this piece of shit company. I lucked out because I let my wife drive my personal vehicle for the other company while I drive Strativa's during the week. Sometimes my wife and I trade off and she will drive Strativa's car while I drive my personal.

It is almost sad that Strativa has allowed me to do this for so long. When the boat finally leaves the dock I will remember all of the fond memories of making fake calls from M-F while attending training at another organization and vice versa.

Strativa really allowed me to bank a shitload of money because its management team was so retarded to see what I was and is still doing.

As far as budgeting is concerned, I have a friend of mine who owns a catering company and I give him my budget each month and he charges and delivers accordingly while up charging Shitiva a few hundred dollars each week.

It is truly easy street now that the sales force has been reduced to fumes. Less and less field rides, less and less BS to deal with, etc. Now with this awesome news about Strativa being completely eliminated by the end of 2013 I can finally focus on what it is I want to do in life, buy a beach house with my double dipping and kick my feet up. I may even take an entire year off, who knows.

It is so sad the news that was given to the majority of the force that was eliminated weeks ago about how "we cannot continue to pay the Megace team their bonuses because of the federal agreement." Bullshit, we are still getting bonus on Megace. To the majority that was let go just be thankful you don't have to deal with this anymore.

A very rich counterpart

I wish you would of posted this earlier, you are brillant, this company and the managers suck the big one. Keep us in touch on any other ideas to take advantage of this scum hole

I wish you would of posted this earlier, you are brillant, this company and the managers suck the big one. Keep us in touch on any other ideas to take advantage of this scum hole

It is no wonder why pharmaceutical company sales reps are not well thought of. This is the perfect example of why they should all be fired and replaced by other means of marketing, not just with Par but every other pharma company. This person has the ethics of a pinworm with a brain to match.

Seems like I have missed a lot while I have been on vacation for the last two days (although I never called it in, I just took a four hour drive to visit friends while logging calls on the road.) RP's motivation, Par getting fined, geez, it is amazing what you miss while taking sometime off.
I dread my 9:00 AM tee time tomorrow with some doctors because I am wrecked. However, it is nice that Par will be paying for it because the course is underneath a "restaurant style" name. I'll probably have the docs sign the IPAD in between holes, there are three of them, thank god all targets. I should be able to stretch out the morning for 4 hours without anyone knowing. Hey, its Friday, offices are slow.
I'll keep you all posted on how I shoot. Have a great evening.

Well gang it wasn't a bad day of shooting afterall. The docs loved the course and that is all that matters. Thanks for taking care of this outing Par, or should I say TPG. The doctors even brought one extra person who happen to be a practicing doctor that I added as staff and ended the outing with 5 signatures! We had a nice lunch at the clubhouse inbetween the 6 and the 7th hole. When I left the doctors all said that we would have to do this again sometime soon. What an awesome job I have here at Strativa as well as my other gig. The other gig is a little too intelligent so I did have to burn a vacation day but oh well. Everyone have a great weekend.

To the guy who thinks double dipping is cool: I feel really sad for you. Do you not realize that when u move to a company beyond biotech, they will do a background check and drug test. The background check includes all jobs that you have ever had. It has start dates and end dates of the companies you have worked for. When u show employment at both strait a and the biotech company you will be red flagged and not get the job or any other job for that matter. I had an end date on my résumé recently on my résumé that was one month off from what the back ground check had. An error in my part (I'm a Christian, I would never be so unethical to double dip). Anyway, I was questioned about it asked if I overlapped then they had to decide if I would still get the job. I did, but that small error was disturbing to them. Probably because they are a legit company and not a babysitting service!! Just be careful!! I thought everyone knew this?!