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Thank You Novo Nordisk


1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!


1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!

Thank you for a simple reminder that Novo Nordisk is not the Grinch everyone is making her out to be. Peace.

1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!

Go away troll.

1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!


1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!

No matter how much you suck up, you still aren't getting a Christmas gift.

1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!

It's still not legal to smoke that in my state, but that must be some fine quality $#! + you go there.

1. Thank You for the opportunity to work here and represent best in class products
2. Thank You for the opportunity to work with very talented people who make a difference every day
3. Thank You for great benefits that gives my family peace of mind
4. Thank You for a promising future with game changing products in the pipeline
5. Thank You! I'm proud to work here!

This my friends is a classic case of typing from your knees.