Just a note to thank GNE for a FANTASTIC multiple year career. And a BIGGER thank you for allowing me to gain employment with a truly premier Oncology company, that has a robust pipeline, for a significant larger salary & signing bonus. Oh, I forgot to mention the six figure severance payout, with vacation pay & health savings account dollars are much appreciated and well earned. I wish those that decided to except a "job" in the ECO Systems all the best of luck as you try to excel at defining the undefinable. "MINDSET, TRIPLE AIM, BUILDING AS WE FLY" MENTALITY---REALLY, total BS!!!

PS: Do you know what you have when you have a 4 eyed, over weight/chubby, narcissist HED neck deep in sand?
ANS: Not enough sand!!


Just a note to thank GNE for a FANTASTIC multiple year career. And a BIGGER thank you for allowing me to gain employment with a truly premier Oncology company, that has a robust pipeline, for a significant larger salary & signing bonus. Oh, I forgot to mention the six figure severance payout, with vacation pay & health savings account dollars are much appreciated and well earned. I wish those that decided to except a "job" in the ECO Systems all the best of luck as you try to excel at defining the undefinable. "MINDSET, TRIPLE AIM, BUILDING AS WE FLY" MENTALITY---REALLY, total BS!!!

PS: Do you know what you have when you have a 4 eyed, over weight/chubby, narcissist HED neck deep in sand?
ANS: Not enough sand!!
Thats funny!!!
I left during BOLD and I have never been happier!!

Great post. I am one of the lucky “chosen” ones in the Pioneer phase and I cannot wait to get out of here. Just waiting for an offer from another company for better pay, pipeline and the promise of not working for micro-managing HD/HED’s. This place is literally a crazy-train!

I hope these moronic cult leaders are planning to wind down their career after Genentech. I don't know how these arrogant idiots can explain to the others what they did in this mental ward when they interview for their next job else where. I know my new company will not touch these Genentech HD/HEDs with a 10 foot pole.

The Genentech name is trashed in the industry, I left several years ago and have had hiring managers tell me about their experiences interviewing Genentech BioOnc reps, not flattering

I left somewhat reluctantly. Although in my head I knew it was the right move.


I’m at a normal company again!! Doing work! Real work! Not just talking about reorgs. And mindset. And eco crap. I’m doing work I’m good at. With very smart talented committed people.

it’s like leaving an unhealthy relationship!! Plus the payout is awesome:)

I left without a severance and with a Genentech job in hand.

Also the best decision. That place has seen better days.

Plus how many more useless calls can you endure.

I do not miss it. People yes. But company no.

Send a pulitzer prize to the person that started this post. So true and funny as well. The place has gone downhill fast. Why - the leadership. It is not just dysfunctional on the commercial side - medical is worse and they have no clue that so many have jumped ship due to them or those they hired. Tremendous loss of talent. It is so nice to work elsewhere with normal people.

Send a pulitzer prize to the person that started this post. So true and funny as well. The place has gone downhill fast. Why - the leadership. It is not just dysfunctional on the commercial side - medical is worse and they have no clue that so many have jumped ship due to them or those they hired. Tremendous loss of talent. It is so nice to work elsewhere with normal people.[/QUOTE
That’s because everything the left touches if destroys. Look at Gene and every urban city in America and you’ll see a parallel in managed devastation. Genentech has fallen from grace. RIP. DNR.

The Genentech name is trashed in the industry, I left several years ago and have had hiring managers tell me about their experiences interviewing Genentech BioOnc reps, not flattering
Managers probably didn't get hired at

Oh that's crap....Genentech doesn't define you, remember that. BTW its been Roche for some time....I had a great career there but over time GNE added another rep, then added another rep, until we were bloated and management with it, and hiring the bloated egos that went with them. Had bosses who were legends in their own minds, but also had 2 really awesome managers out of about 9 different ones. Newer companies have better cultures like GNE USED to have....fortunate to have the experience and put it behind me especially last 2 awful years.

Genentech was a few of the best years of my career

Then a few ok years

Then a few super ugly confusing ego centric personally motivates years

I left at that point. Been two years. I am at a company that is awesome. Not as good as the glory days of Genentech, but close and but way way way better than what is there now.

Of course they can't find anyone. Whoever thought of CEoF should be fired. I have heard of 2 coworkers who have taken the severance and been called by their HD who begged them to come back and interview because they cannot find anyone. They both said NO, too!

Of course they can't find anyone. Whoever thought of CEoF should be fired. I have heard of 2 coworkers who have taken the severance and been called by their HD who begged them to come back and interview because they cannot find anyone. They both said NO, too!
Sounds like the land of misfits and broken toys. No one wants to go to genie land. Boohoo.

You have to be stupid, insane, desperate and unmarketable to return to this loser company. I would rather sell dog diapers to vets than work with these disrespectful low life cult leaders.