Thank You Cubist


With all the negative on this board wanted to say thanks! After last week my kids education is funded, my 401k rolled into an IRA will make my wife and I multi millionaires and positively change the lives of my grandkids kids! The money freed up from not having any debt from this sale will allow my family financial freedoms and allow us to give and help others in need, how many Americans can honestly say that? But the best thing I've gotten from Cubist, the life long friendships and best friends I made. Long after Cubist is retired to the lost civilization on CP I'll still have that. This world we live and work in is small, people come and go, jump from company to company but it's how you treat people that will determine your future. I guarantee in 6-12 months 70% of Cubist will have moved on and the people you bash today will be your boss tomorrow or the person interviewing you. So instead of calling people out and being negative be grateful you were in the right place and right time and if you were lucky enough to benefit from your equity be thankful and pay it forward!

Well said!

You built a terrific organization here and established Cubist as the market leader. Against all odds, you succeeded when competing against much larger organizations including Pfizer, Wyeth, and Astellas and along the way built a name for both yourself and Cubist.

This year we learned that companies respect what Cubist and their employees have done. So much so, that they specifically recruit the sales representatives! Merck respects what Cubist has done, so much so that they made a substantial investment to acquire Cubist. You should be extremely proud of what you've accomplished and an uncertain future, you can take solace in knowing that having Cubist on your resume will make you a valuable prospect for employers. People want you! Numerous companies didn't court the Cubist employees because you suck, they did it because you are fucking winners!

Well said!

You built a terrific organization here and established Cubist as the market leader. Against all odds, you succeeded when competing against much larger organizations including Pfizer, Wyeth, and Astellas and along the way built a name for both yourself and Cubist.

This year we learned that companies respect what Cubist and their employees have done. So much so, that they specifically recruit the sales representatives! Merck respects what Cubist has done, so much so that they made a substantial investment to acquire Cubist. You should be extremely proud of what you've accomplished and an uncertain future, you can take solace in knowing that having Cubist on your resume will make you a valuable prospect for employers. People want you! Numerous companies didn't court the Cubist employees because you suck, they did it because you are fucking winners!

Any pharma. on your resume is not that great.

Most people have no idea who Cubist is. Get real.

OP, stop idolizing your company, your career, your money, and your kids. Its pathetic.

Pathetic? No. You're just miserable. And pathetic yourself. Do you find any joy in your life?

Much more than you will ever know.
False idol worship a terrible way to go through life.
There is only one worthy of praise: YHWH. Not your kids or your stupid company. And yes, I work for Pfizer, and they pay me better than Cubicles or whatever, but I don't worship Pfizer, because I know they are pretty much a cult.
Best wishes in your life. Stop being a nit wit, and living a life centered on things that don't last, that is my best advice for you.

Agreed with OP. It's been a well run company, fun to work for, and they are doing right by shareholders (as mandated by law). And MANY employees own significant stock....yes, it's not a lucrative deal to you personally if your tenure has been short (myself included, <18 months). Cubist negotiated well, doing right by their employees with favorable severance packages compared to other Merck buyouts.

While we can all miss the days of Cubist (I will, it was a great ride) you have to understand the why if you know anything about a business. I wish all of my cubist colleagues nothing but the best and hope to work with many of them again someday.

Agreed with OP. It's been a well run company, fun to work for, and they are doing right by shareholders (as mandated by law). And MANY employees own significant stock....yes, it's not a lucrative deal to you personally if your tenure has been short (myself included, <18 months). Cubist negotiated well, doing right by their employees with favorable severance packages compared to other Merck buyouts.

While we can all miss the days of Cubist (I will, it was a great ride) you have to understand the why if you know anything about a business. I wish all of my cubist colleagues nothing but the best and hope to work with many of them again someday.

What color was your Kool Aid drink?

With all the negative on this board wanted to say thanks! After last week my kids education is funded, my 401k rolled into an IRA will make my wife and I multi millionaires and positively change the lives of my grandkids kids! The money freed up from not having any debt from this sale will allow my family financial freedoms and allow us to give and help others in need, how many Americans can honestly say that? But the best thing I've gotten from Cubist, the life long friendships and best friends I made. Long after Cubist is retired to the lost civilization on CP I'll still have that. This world we live and work in is small, people come and go, jump from company to company but it's how you treat people that will determine your future. I guarantee in 6-12 months 70% of Cubist will have moved on and the people you bash today will be your boss tomorrow or the person interviewing you. So instead of calling people out and being negative be grateful you were in the right place and right time and if you were lucky enough to benefit from your equity be thankful and pay it forward!

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I'm taking my $500k going to Vegas, partying like a f*cking rock star! Gettin' my wife a bigger rack HELL YEAH!!!!Buying a new Vette!!!! I'M RICH B*TCH!!!!!!!!

yea...suddenly not feeling so happy about this transaction. 2 time COE winner and 2 time MVP winner. Been here a long friggin' time and besides the stock options that I cashed in early on because I had two back to back bad years and didn't get a bonus, I never received a SINGLE RSU. Not one. And yes, I'm being a whiney bitch. Even those two years I won COE, I didn't get shit in terms of RSU's or options. I got a salary increase after the MC debacle, but in retrospect, I would have rather had the RSU's. Seems like everybody on CP is rich and done well with this acquisition. I didn't really get shit. I might get 80-90K in severance if they "can" me but that's a big "if". Seems like they're going to keep everybody until at least after the launch. I wish I would have kept those stock options. Feel like a total douche for cashing them in.

yea...suddenly not feeling so happy about this transaction. 2 time COE winner and 2 time MVP winner. Been here a long friggin' time and besides the stock options that I cashed in early on because I had two back to back bad years and didn't get a bonus, I never received a SINGLE RSU. Not one. And yes, I'm being a whiney bitch. Even those two years I won COE, I didn't get shit in terms of RSU's or options. I got a salary increase after the MC debacle, but in retrospect, I would have rather had the RSU's. Seems like everybody on CP is rich and done well with this acquisition. I didn't really get shit. I might get 80-90K in severance if they "can" me but that's a big "if". Seems like they're going to keep everybody until at least after the launch. I wish I would have kept those stock options. Feel like a total douche for cashing them in.

Uh, thanks for sharing? Therapy?

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I'm taking my $500k going to Vegas, partying like a f*cking rock star! Gettin' my wife a bigger rack HELL YEAH!!!!Buying a new Vette!!!! I'M RICH B*TCH!!!!!!!!

Sound investment're doing very well preparing for your retirement years. Please post back and let us know if your wife got her money's worth on the enhancements. After all, these type of things are important.

You are so predictable by your limited vocabulary and misspellings. I don't need to douche. I'm naturally clean smelling. Care to put your head between my legs and sample the wares?

"Douche" is misspelled? You really are a "douche" by correcting my spelling when it's clearly spelled correctly.

anything else, Mr. Wizard since you seem to know me or criticize everybody here on CP? Seems everybody can express how they feel about the acquisition but ONLY the ones that you agree with. Let me guess. You made out like a bandit too and can put all 14 kids of yours through college and have just a little bit left to buy a yacht and a condo in South Beach down in Miami, Correct? Good for fucking you. Happy for ya, brutha. SOOooo happy. Whistling "zippidy doo dah" out my asshole right this very minute.

Your lack of compassion is so becoming. Tell me something. Around the holidays, do the needy and poor feed you ? Do you stab people in the back to get what you want in life?

Again, the first adjective was the right adjective to describe an ass like you. "Douche" was and is quite fitting.

oh. almost forgot since you couldn't read between the lines or connect the dots. I forgot to put a comma between the "do" and "you". So the word "douche" in the sentence was really meant to be more of a noun than a verb. So my apologies. It should have said "do you, douche?"

Carry on.