Thank you for keeping us employed. All that are complaining should just leave. All that are talking smack about others should go. All of yous should feel very lucky and thankful that you are not in the breadline.
Thank you for keeping us employed. All that are complaining should just leave. All that are talking smack about others should go. All of yous should feel very lucky and thankful that you are not in the breadline.
Please stop the BS! The only reason that we are still on the payroll is because without us there would almost no chance of a co-promote. Last time I checked Kowa's field force is about 50% down from a year ago. Let's see how many leave on Feb 15.Thank you for keeping us employed. All that are complaining should just leave. All that are talking smack about others should go. All of yous should feel very lucky and thankful that you are not in the breadline.
Thank you for keeping us employed. All that are complaining should just leave. All that are talking smack about others should go. All of yous should feel very lucky and thankful that you are not in the breadline.
Thank you for keeping us employed. All that are complaining should just leave. All that are talking smack about others should go. All of yous should feel very lucky and thankful that you are not in the breadline.
New flash pal! Over half the reps are gone and right now you are not working with any reps, you are sitting at home collecting a pay check. You should check your arrogant tone. If we do not get a co-promote by May, you will not be working here, you may be at McDonalds.I think we should get rid of the bottom 50% and adjust the pay of the top 50% to a competitive salary. Then fill the rest of the positions with reps that are proven and pay them accordingly. Half the reps I work with have no business selling pharma, but that’s the best my manager could do with the available salary range. The bottom 50% at kowa don’t deserve to work here and should be at McDonalds.
I think we should get rid of the bottom 50% and adjust the pay of the top 50% to a competitive salary. Then fill the rest of the positions with reps that are proven and pay them accordingly. Half the reps I work with have no business selling pharma, but that’s the best my manager could do with the available salary range. The bottom 50% at kowa don’t deserve to work here and should be at McDonalds.
I think we should get rid of the bottom 50% and adjust the pay of the top 50% to a competitive salary. Then fill the rest of the positions with reps that are proven and pay them accordingly. Half the reps I work with have no business selling pharma, but that’s the best my manager could do with the available salary range. The bottom 50% at kowa don’t deserve to work here and should be at McDonalds.