Thank God the Bears Lost!


--At least we'll be able to enjoy the ramp up to the Super Bowl without "The Bama" using his Chicago ties to get his face into every photo op possible and then showing what jock he is(in his own mind) by having Cutler thrown him some out patterns.......whew!!

--At least we'll be able to enjoy the ramp up to the Super Bowl without "The Bama" using his Chicago ties to get his face into every photo op possible and then showing what jock he is(in his own mind) by having Cutler thrown him some out patterns.......whew!!

I'm not sure which one is the bigger fairy at this point? I hate ALL Chicago sports teams.

It's kind of like the same game was played twice yesterday? Both the Steelers and the Packers had big first half leads and then the Bears and Jets made a 2nd Half come back but not enough to win it. I am looking forward to two traditional NFL teams Packers Vs. Steelers in the Super Bowl. You know how I like tradition- no Boise State teams! Whatever the NFL equivalent of Boise State would be?

Also, thanks to FOX for announcing that Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview with Dear Leader (aka President Obama) will be at 4:45 PM Eastern on Sunday.

Schedule your extended restroom break at that time.


Also, thanks to FOX for announcing that Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview with Dear Leader (aka President Obama) will be at 4:45 PM Eastern on Sunday.

Schedule your extended restroom break at that time.


I hope that he Buster Douglass's him, just like he did in 2008. Poor little Barry was back on his heels, getting pummeled the entire interview. No big fan of Mr. Self-Promotion here, but he did nail the messiah's scalp to the wall.