Thank God for this hostile takeover


At least now some of the worthless internal legal people have something to do other than talk about their weekends and who they have or haven't slept with. Good to know they are getting paid to actually work now.

At least now some of the worthless internal legal people have something to do other than talk about their weekends and who they have or haven't slept with. Good to know they are getting paid to actually work now.

From what I can tell, the legal firm representing Allergan is Latham & Watkins LLP

More to the point, it will clean out the trash like JG that has ruined this once strong company.

Trash??? Are you calling the guy who publicly dated his HR gal while still married? No. It wasn't trashy for him to take the girlfriend on an incentive trip to Hawaii before the divorce was inked. Of course you would never refer to him as trash because of his hiring of Sears in EyeCare, then bringing him back to Urology, or bringing DS on as South Region Director. Or for keeping DS through the lawsuits from customers and employees or after he rid the company of the most tenured and successful sales reps. I can not imagine why you think of him as trash. Or maybe...should I go on?

Trash??? Are you calling the guy who publicly dated his HR gal while still married? No. It wasn't trashy for him to take the girlfriend on an incentive trip to Hawaii before the divorce was inked. Of course you would never refer to him as trash because of his hiring of Sears in EyeCare, then bringing him back to Urology, or bringing DS on as South Region Director. Or for keeping DS through the lawsuits from customers and employees or after he rid the company of the most tenured and successful sales reps. I can not imagine why you think of him as trash. Or maybe...should I go on?

Oh my...good stuff. The sad part is that JG is set for life no matter how it shakes out. Oh, and I'll admit he does know how to look good in a suit which helps hide the fact that he is utterly clueless.

They have created so much turmoil and confusion in this market place, it's like financial/political war zone X 100. We are just throwing fuel on the VRX fire each week, we are not winning, we are being played!

Oh my...good stuff. The sad part is that JG is set for life no matter how it shakes out. Oh, and I'll admit he does know how to look good in a suit which helps hide the fact that he is utterly clueless.

Yep, doesn't know difference between co-insurance and co-pay; sad. It just gets worse below him too because all his direct reports are scared to death of him so it's fire drill after drill. That coupled with the crusty consultant agencies coming up with strategies that were put out to pasture years ago ran Allergan culture into the ground. Stifling place to work.

Allergan had been successful because Botox sells itself and there is no other therapeutic in class for Restasis.

The Valeant takeover might hurt up front but it will actually be the new set of eyes that are needed. Shit can TK while you are at it to. What a joke; bye bye good old boys; by by promotion by drunk driving (from field to HQ).

Yep, doesn't know difference between co-insurance and co-pay; sad. It just gets worse below him too because all his direct reports are scared to death of him so it's fire drill after drill. That coupled with the crusty consultant agencies coming up with strategies that were put out to pasture years ago ran Allergan culture into the ground. Stifling place to work.

Allergan had been successful because Botox sells itself and there is no other therapeutic in class for Restasis.

The Valeant takeover might hurt up front but it will actually be the new set of eyes that are needed. Shit can TK while you are at it to. What a joke; bye bye good old boys; by by promotion by drunk driving (from field to HQ).

Yea, who was the drunk? I never could figure that out. There is always drama. There was some chick who was having an affair with one of the big dogs. It got her a manager position in Atlanta Eye care for awhile. He, of course, did not lose his job. Then there was the past regional director from the South who got caught with a trainer. Then a doctor. Then a doctor's wife. Then he wiped out an entire district. Then there was the manager who was a drunk and kept propositioning his female teammates. And the manager who got caught stealing from the company by a rep. He kept his job, the employee lost. The other manager who was sleeping with one of his reps. I guess none of it matters when your Compliance officer, your HR manager are doing the same. And gangoli is too. What a great group of people to work with.