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Teva is number 1 again


This can’t be correct …. after all we’re told repeatedly that Teva care so much about their staff, surely they can’t be the worst in the industry.

Or have HR been lying to everyone ?

This can’t be correct …. after all we’re told repeatedly that Teva care so much about their staff, surely they can’t be the worst in the industry.

Or have HR been lying to everyone ?

euro boy is always correct , we all should listen to him, he is the messiah

euro boy has always been consistent in saying teva is a pathetic and sick company that constantly lie and stiff suppliers and staff, rob from the poor and give to the rich

Any decent reps left need to wake up. I left and got a huge raise and there are multiple companies hiring right now paying easily 25k-50k more a year than Teva is paying.