Territory Maps


When are all RD's getting the new territory maps & when will they be given approval to share with the field? Does anyone know the range how many reps per RD it will be now?

When are all RD's getting the new territory maps & when will they be given approval to share with the field? Does anyone know the range how many reps per RD it will be now?

This week is the earliest they will get and can share the info. I heard 10 reps per RD and there will be approx 2-3 reps per Region getting a new RD.

Any news? How many targets will overlays share? Does anyone know anything? strangely quiet around here

It is strangely quiet. Managers found out, stuff is going to be announced on Monday. Some stuff has trickled out. The few regions I heard about don't have 10 people. Not sure if that is going to be standard, or if some will have more than others.

It is strangely quiet. Managers found out, stuff is going to be announced on Monday. Some stuff has trickled out. The few regions I heard about don't have 10 people. Not sure if that is going to be standard, or if some will have more than others.

If you want to know about the maps just go ask any of the ex bausch and lomb reps out there. Kathy sent maps out to them months ago trying to recruit more people from over there. Or maybe the new RD in LA knows since she was brought right in at Kathy's behest.

Doesn't matter. It's temporary. To get through the launch and transition in (overlay) reps that will cover a select number of potentially relocating A's and zip codes. They are dual covering them so that there will be minimal disruption when they realign again over the summer.

It's not being publicly announced, but despite what KK and PS said many territory borders are changing. Nothing dramatic which is why they have not announced it. I guess they are hoping that we won't notice since they will have the same territory name. The lack of intelligence they think this sales force has is shocking. Keep them distracted and move things around is there motto.

It's not being publicly announced, but despite what KK and PS said many territory borders are changing. Nothing dramatic which is why they have not announced it. I guess they are hoping that we won't notice since they will have the same territory name. The lack of intelligence they think this sales force has is shocking. Keep them distracted and move things around is there motto.

When do we get this info???

KK mentioned on the expansion and the kicker conference call that "territory planning and transition tools" would be out mid December. You will most likely get tomorrow if you have not already. RD's already have the territory maps and new territory numbers. There won't be many changes for most reps other than transitioning targets with your partner if you have one.

KK mentioned on the expansion and the kicker conference call that "territory planning and transition tools" would be out mid December. You will most likely get tomorrow if you have not already. RD's already have the territory maps and new territory numbers. There won't be many changes for most reps other than transitioning targets with your partner if you have one.

And where are those planning and transition tools promised? No where. Once again these people are full of empty promises. I guess no one will be working January 5th.

And where are those planning and transition tools promised? No where. Once again these people are full of empty promises. I guess no one will be working January 5th.

That's because Kathy is so overwhelmed in her job which she isn't qualified for. She is such a control freak she can't delegate anything out to get done and everyone suffers as a result of her incompetence. But don't fear, she will work on it this weekend since she has no life.

That's because Kathy is so overwhelmed in her job which she isn't qualified for. She is such a control freak she can't delegate anything out to get done and everyone suffers as a result of her incompetence. But don't fear, she will work on it this weekend since she has no life.

Most people are not working next week and if they are will be working Monday at most. This information really should have been revealed end of Nov or first week of Dec at the latest. This would have at least given core reps the chance to introduce expansion reps to key targets before they just popped in to make calls on the first of the year. It would have also given these reps a chance to collaborate before the new year. With no targets and no clue on who is sharing what expect a cluster f**%. Which is exactly what this team of "leaders" have given us all year long. Hard to believe KK has been with us only a few months. How can one person screw up this bad and still have a job??

The entire expansion has been a cluster you know what. From the moment they announced it, to the last minute interviews/travel for candidates, to target lists and planning. I don't know how many other ways you can spell out incompetent. The only thing KK has rolled out on time has been the super duper non important 25 target list for Q4. Come to think of it, even that came a couple of weeks into the quarter. KK was suppose to be an upgrade to CES? I didn't think you could get less qualified than CES. Until now.

The entire expansion has been a cluster you know what. From the moment they announced it, to the last minute interviews/travel for candidates, to target lists and planning. I don't know how many other ways you can spell out incompetent. The only thing KK has rolled out on time has been the super duper non important 25 target list for Q4. Come to think of it, even that came a couple of weeks into the quarter. KK was suppose to be an upgrade to CES? I didn't think you could get less qualified than CES. Until now.

You want to talk about clusters, you should have seen the mass interview weeks that took place last month. Second rate talent that made the trip in after fogging a mirror and then when the RDs who have a clue shoo'ed them away they all spoke bad about the company. KK single handedly brought down the reputation of this company with her shit show. This woman is one failed experiment after another, can she get anything right? Thanks for all of this go to the other nitwit Perry.

This kind of interviewing will not bring in the best talent. The best talent are unable to jump on a plane with a night or two notice because they have something called jobs and responsibility.

and KK begging for us to recruit for these expansion positions. No way. I am not going to help you recruit someone new less paid that you will replace higher paid, more tenured reps with a year from now. Nor will I recruit my friends who are good people into this mess of a company. I would much rather watch you fail with the contract type people you are having to bring in because you are unorganized and recruiting last minute with a cattle call.