Termination vs. Resign


If a US HQ employee sues Merck for discrimination, is it better to wait to be terminated or resign?

If one is terminated, when another employer contacts Merck HR to get details on the employee, can Merck HR tell the employer the employee was terminated/fired?

No, they'll only give start date, end date and final salary. A Federal EEOC complaint must be filed and deemed valid, before you or any lawyer can sue for discrimination. No attorney will take case unless this happens first.

No, they'll only give start date, end date and final salary. A Federal EEOC complaint must be filed and deemed valid, before you or any lawyer can sue for discrimination. No attorney will take case unless this happens first.

Yes, that is done.

In the past when Merck has been notified of a discrimination charge, do they terminate that employee or wait until they have an excuse to fire? If that employee waits until January 1st, do US HQ employees get their bonus if they resign before March?

They will NEVER terminate an employee involved in a discrimination or workmans comp claim. Only exception would be willful misconduct where employees are threatened or assaulted by plaintiff or an arrest outside of workplace that results in a felony conviction.

Got it. Thank you.

Whether if I am terminated or resign willfully, if a future employer calls Merck HR they will only give the start date, end date, and final salary?

They don't say something like "the employee was terminated" vs. "the employee resigned" or do they even give a response? I would imagine they will not share anything. No?

No, they won't say anything beyond your start/end date and salary. I would wait to get fired and would not resign. If you get fired at least you can collect unemployment - you resign and you get no unemployment.