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That's complete bull. Your showing your lack of knowledge of the medical industry. It wasn't long ago that Sj shuffled several of thier top performers out the door in order to cut costs. And let me enlighten you on another fun fact CRM isn't the Holly Grail. This industry is no more than contracts and pricing. Throw in some relationships from some old timers and that's about it. The poster you mock has a terrific resume has made his cash and thought he could land here and use his contacts to secure business until he retired. Good for him! You on the other hand are screwed. Your coming up in a industry that doesn't pay anymore and if you find a start up that does it won't last long. I feel for you idiots that think there is a great opportunity over the horizon. Get ready for a 4 page resume because you'll be looking for a while. Unfortunately Zoll is on the bottom of an industry that is going south quickly. So assume and criticize the poster all you want. Unfortunately for you he has the last laugh.