Tennessee Lacks Leadership!

Tennessee is run by Good ol' boy network! Look at all managers including md level in this state. Look at C. M. in MS division and that should open your eyes. Looks like CEO should have someone take note of such behaviors.

While generally the Good ol' boy system puts in place those who are incompetent or at least inexperienced.

Some negative effects of the good ol' boy network are its exclusion of others, leading to leaders of a community possibly limiting business transactions to other elites or to friends or acquaintances from within the network, to give friends better deals, and generally to reinforce traditional power structures over any other elements in the society.

K.P. is the wrost managing director in the company. He has fallen through the cracks big time over the years and if his new boss has any brains he will pick up on his weakness which are always right in your face right away. He talks about everyone including his managers to reps and he talks about his reps to the managers. How unprofessional. Geeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Needs to go