Tell us about Todd Nichols and Joe Caruso


Neither will set the world on fire. Both are good to work for. Todd actually came out of his shell once Ciaffoni was out of here. I actually liked Todd a lot. As for Caruso he is indeed a rumor mill crap stirrer all day long but he isn’t a bad guy. Just needs to learn not to involve himself in every single thing that isn’t his business. Hopefully with a new start at Celgene he takes this feedback and learns a lesson.
Neither will make waves. They are new too type leaders.

Neither will set the world on fire. Both are good to work for. Todd actually came out of his shell once Ciaffoni was out of here. I actually liked Todd a lot. As for Caruso he is indeed a rumor mill crap stirrer all day long but he isn’t a bad guy. Just needs to learn not to involve himself in every single thing that isn’t his business. Hopefully with a new start at Celgene he takes this feedback and learns a lesson.
Neither will make waves. They are new too type leaders.

Pretty spot on