Tell Everyone!!!


Wow, that's what happened at Forest today. A rep emailed the entire company about an affair and subsequent harassment with her counterpart. Apparently HR didn't respond, bet they wish they did.

Look on company board, quickly before gone

I saw that and I can see where she will probably be fired (and him); but it would seem to me she would have a case against the company for not responding to her complaint. And I can not see where any case he would bring against her would hold any water. He was her boss right? Good for her for bringing it to light the way she did. Bet they listen now and in the future.

LMAO. What an idiot. Seriously, why would she think the company gives a crap? None of them do. Not only did she shoot herself in the head with this company, she will not find any lawyer to take this mess nor will she probably ever work again due to the ability of headhunters and HR to search the Internet. . . . what a fool. (Plus, a company email? OMG! That will spread like a wildfire.)

If something was really done that was criminal, she should have filed a police report or contacted the EEOC and hired a lawyer as well as collected evidence. My experience is that people who post stuff like this online are angry, bitter, depressed and have no regard for their own life anymore. She probably needs an intervention. The person who is posting this shit, is also a histrionic nut.
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