Can someone tell him to address the elephant in the room. Too many reps!!! Expenses greater than sales....Cut territories that do not justify having a rep. So many reps just leaving samples to get a signature.
Can someone tell him to address the elephant in the room. Too many reps!!! Expenses greater than sales....Cut territories that do not justify having a rep. So many reps just leaving samples to get a signature.
Should cut half the Neuro division.
I would hate to see loss of head count, however, these posts are brilliant and spot on!! As a Neuro rep, they have systematically ruined this division and expanded the others without the strong portfolio to support the # of reps. I hope Azars years in the public sector gave him some good ideas of how to clean up giant messes.
... you hope his years in the "public" sector will give him good ideas? The "public" and not the "private" sector right!?!? Because the public sector does such a great job of not wasting money correct!!?? You are ignorant beyond hope!