
Tekturna ends April 30 and it looks like the end for most of us. Let's see, will they keep reps with maybe 30 calls for the month? Guess we will be joining the unemployment lines like so many others in this country. It might be worth unemployment since we are not making any money at this job. My car is getting tired and so am I from all this driving for so little pay.

Tekturna ends April 30 and it looks like the end for most of us. Let's see, will they keep reps with maybe 30 calls for the month? Guess we will be joining the unemployment lines like so many others in this country. It might be worth unemployment since we are not making any money at this job. My car is getting tired and so am I from all this driving for so little pay.

Yup, that's why I left.

I can't imagine that there is any new contracts coming our way. If you checked your emails America says the contract ends April 30 and they are working on something. In plain English, get rid of everything and be prepared to file for unemployment. If you don't get a new ipad next week you can figure you are out because you don't have enough calls to keep you on. We have been hearing about new contracts for a year now and the only ones we have been getting are dogs that just a few people are on. It's a reality, we are joining the millions of unemployed people out there. Good luck and good selling.