Is this project a case of Merck entering a market thinking that simply because it is Merck it will be successful? Lantus has the poweful position at least until 2014 and then the floodgates open to competition. Some technical edge or expertise in making the active ingredient or in owning a super delivery device (pen?) seems necessary to go along with the diabetes Rolodex. It might be that Merck will look to partner with someone in this marketplace anyway so developing a product in-house might not prove totally necessary. The price competition is likely to get pretty steep and it might resemble the asthma market for profit margin. The market is huge but can Merck turn a profit in it? They can do OK in tablets but devices and TP are not historically their strong points. There are lots of hungrier companies out there that have an advantage in these areas. If the plan is to just re-brand to Merck someone else's product in an emerging market, how much margin can be generated by that strategy. And zero US sales jobs!